眼科研究 2000年第3期第18卷 临床研究
作者:李明桂 陈烈
单位:536000 广西北海市人民医院
摘要 目的 探讨中老年白内障患者眼底病发病率和病情变化。方法 分析498例523眼50岁以上中老年白内障手术患者合并的眼底病及白内障手术引起的眼底病。结果 合并眼底病96眼,患病率18.36%,包括老年黄斑病变、玻璃体混浊、视网膜病变、视网膜脱离、部分视神经萎缩等。手术引起的眼底病29眼,发生率5.54%。结论中老年白内障患者常合并多种眼底疾病。为了眼底病早期诊断和治疗,中老年白内障视力下降时应及时手术治疗。
分类号 R776
Clinical analysis of cataract combined with fundus diseases in middle and old aged patients
Li Minggui,Chen Lie
(Beihai People’s Hospital,Guangxi 536000)
Abstract Objective To investigate the morbidity of fundus diseases and patients’condition in middle and old aged people.Methods 523 eyes of 498 cases (aged over 50)with cataract were reported and their clinical data were analysed.Diagnoses in various fundus diseases had been made before and after operation.Intracapsular and extracapsular cataract extraction and phacoemulsification and IOL implantation which may cause fundus diseases were analysed.Results 96 eyes(18.36%)were complicated by fundus diseases,including senile macular degeneration 23 eyes(4.40%),vitreous opacities 32 eyes (6.12%),retinopathy 6 eyes(1.15%),high myopia retinopathy 10 eyes(1.91%),diabetic retinopathy 8 eyes(1.53%),retinal detachment 6 eyes(1.15%)and partialis optic atrophy 5 eyes(0.96%)and so on.Fundus diseases were caused by the operation were 29 eyes(5.54%),vitreous opacities was in 19 eyes(3.63%),cystoid macular edema 4 eyes(0.76%),retinal detachment 4 eyes(0.76%)and endophthalmitis 2 eyes(0.38%).Conclusion Complication of various fundus diseases in senile patients is common.To make an early diagnosis and treatment is good for most patients with fundus diseases.In order to make the early diagnosis and treatment for fundus diseases,operations should be taken in time when having a hypopsia.
Key words undus disease cataract
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料:中老年白内障手术患者498例523眼。单眼473例,双眼25例。男233例242眼,女265例281眼。年龄50~90岁,平均71.5岁。其中80岁以上高龄患者52例64眼。老年性白内障409例414眼(79.16%),高度近视(眼轴≥24.5?mm)合并白内障18例20眼(3.82%),糖尿病合并白内障21例29眼(5.54%),外伤性白内障12例12眼(2.29%),并发性白内障27例34眼(6.50%),青光眼合并白内障11例14眼(2.68%)。
1.2 术前合并的眼底病:所有病人术前全身作全面检查;眼科检查包括常规检查和A,B超检查。全部病例光定位准确。眼底病通过采集病史和眼科检查作出诊断:玻璃体混浊29眼(5.54%),老年黄斑病变11眼(2.10%),视网膜病变4眼(0.76%),视网膜脱离6眼(1.15%),部分视神经萎缩4眼(0.76%),糖尿病视网膜病变7眼(1.34%),高度近视视网膜病变8眼(1.53%),视网膜色素变性4眼(0.76%)。
1.3 白内障手术方式:囊内摘出术54例58眼(11.09%),囊外摘出术230例247眼(47.23%),其中植入人工晶状体178眼,白内障超声乳化人工晶状体植入术214例218眼(41.68%)。
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