眼视光学杂志 1999年第4期第1卷 弱视/斜视
作者:徐艳春 朱晓英 许军 陈洁芳
单位:中国医科大学第一临床学院眼科(徐艳春 朱晓英 许军);全国医师班学员(陈洁芳)
摘 要 目的:总结小儿远视屈光不正性弱视的发病及治疗特点。讨论散瞳条件下确定屈光度数、配戴充分矫正眼镜的治疗特点及家中遮盖法治疗屈光参差性弱视的优越性。方法:观察120例238眼(远视76例150眼,远视散光眼44例88眼)远视屈光不正性弱视眼治愈时间。结果:远视性弱视不同时间的治愈率:6个月为45.33%,12个月达82.67%,24个月达94.67%,36个月达96.67%。远视散光性弱视治愈率:6、12、24、36个月分别为43.18%;79.55%;93.18%;100%。结论:远视屈光不正性弱视是可以治愈的疾病,应及早发现,不失时机予以治疗。
Complete correction and home patches for curing childhood
hyperopic amblyopia
Xu Yanchun,Zhu Xiaoying,Xu Jun,et al.Deptment of Ophthalmology,The First Hospital,China Medical University,Shenyang 110001
Abstract Objective:To summarize the characterstics of childhood hyperopic amblyopia and therapy for its treatment.Methods:The amount of time needed to correct bilateral hyperopic astigmatism (44 cases;88 eyes) was examined.The important factors for prescribing eyeglass corrections and inducing children to wear fully corrected glasses under mydriatic conditions and the superiority of home patching to treat anisometropic amblyopia are also discussed.Results:Cure rates during different stages in bilateral hyperopic amblyopia are:45.3% at 6 months,82.7% at 12 months,94.7% at 24 months,and 96.7% at 36 months.The cure rates for bilateral hyperopic astigmatic amblyopia are:43.2% at 6 months,79.6% at 12 months,93.2% at 24 months,and 100% at 36 months.Conclusion:Bilateral hyperopic amblyopia is a curable disease.It should be diagnosed and corrected as early as possible.
Key words Hyperopia Amblyopia Therapy
1 对象和方法
1.1 眼科常规检查除外器质性眼病,均采用1%阿托品眼膏双眼连续散瞳三天。带状光检影确定屈光度数,矫正视力低于0.8者,列为本组弱视病例。
1.2 <5岁不认视力表的儿童在散瞳状态下根据检影度数减去0.5D;大于5岁儿童可根据检影辅助试镜,确定度数后,在散瞳状态下即开始配戴眼镜。
1.3 对于单眼弱视,或屈光参差性弱视的健眼用“家中遮盖法”治疗。即仅在家里遮盖健眼,训练弱视眼。
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