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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-2-25 10:06:01 中华眼科在线

    眼底病             225                                      AB0855


    付  群


    Abstract: Objective To observe the effect of 532nm green laser photocoagulation on central serous chorioretinopathy assisted by medicine and Chinese traditional drugs. Methods 204 cases (209 eyes) were treated by 532nm green laser photocoagulation (Laser group), and 47 cases (48 eyes) were treated by medicine and Chinese traditional drugs (Drug group),the patients treated in our hospital from Jan,2000 to the end of Dec,2005.The patients’ fundus and visual acuities were observed and the following-up was made in more than 3 months. Results 172 eyes (81.3%) were recovered after 1 month and 198 eyes(94.7%) after 3 months of the photocoagulation in Laser group; while in Drug group, 12 eyes (25%) were recovered after 1month treated by drugs and 30 eyes (62.5%) after 3 months. The effects in Laser group is better than that of Drug group after 1 month(X2=63.01,p<0.001) and after 3 months (X2=40.52,p<0.001) of treatment, visual acuities were 0.9±0.33 after 1 month of photocoagulation and 0.97±0.13 after 3 months; these visual acuities, in Laser group were better than that in the visual acuities, 0.57±0.3 before photocoagulation (u=10.7,p<0.01 and u=16.3,p<0.01); and visual acuities were 0.70±0.28 after 1 month treated by medicine and 0.82±0.23 after 3 months; these visual acuities in Drug group were better than the visual acuities of 0.55±0.32 before treatment (u=2.44,p<0.05和u=4.75,p<0.01). The visual acuities of Laser group were better than that of Drug group after 1 month and after 3 months by treated (u=4.31,p<0.01 and u=4.36,p<0.01). The macular edema of 155 eyes (74.1%) had disappeared after 2 weeks by photocoagulation; and 4 weeks later, 192 eyes (91.9%) disappeared; 7 eyes experienced twice photocoaculation; These cases did not recurred by fundus exam in the follow-up of 3~18 months. After treatment at 6~9 months, 10 eyes (20.8%) recurred in Drug group. Conclusion Treating CSC is quite simply and more available and rare recurring with the photocoaculation than drugs. 532 nm green laser is more available and safely in treating CSC than other laser, because it is easer to pass ocular media, and being absorbed much better by retinal pigment epithelium and barely absorbed into xanthophylls.



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  • 更多关于(眼睛,中华眼科在线,2006,第十一届眼科学术大会,眼科学术论文,眼底病,532 nm绿激光,中心性浆液性脉络膜视网膜病变)的信息


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