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Visual function changes after treatment ...

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-3-2 12:49:57 中华眼科在线

    眼底病             1629                                      AB0955

    Visual function changes after treatment of macular edema by intraocular triamcinolone acetonide injection

    ZHANG Guoming, ZENG Jian, CHEN Qingshan, LIU Jun, ZHAO Tieying, QIN Bo

    Shenzhen eye hospital, Shenzhen ophthalmic center, College of Jinan University 518001

    Objective: To study the effect of intraocular triamcinolone acetonide (TA) injection in treating macular edema. To evaluate its effect by optical coherence tomography (OCT) and multifocal electroretinogram (mf-ERG). Methods: Macular edema cases resulting from central retinal vein occlusion (CRVO), branch retinal vein occlusion (BRVO), diabetic retinopathy (DR) and retinal detachment surgery were selected. TA(0.1ml, 4mg) was injected into vitreous from inferior-temporal 4mm away from limbus. OCT and mf-ERG were performed before and after operation.
    Results: Fifteen cases received TA injection. Eight were male and seven were female. Before TA injection, the mean visual acuity (VA) was 0.30±0.23. Retinal thickness over fovea meant 452.46±122.35m. The average response densities of N1-wave and P1-wave in fovea (ring 1) were 9.31±6.39 nV/deg2 and 13.42±10.78 nV/deg2. Three months after operation, the mean VA increased to 0.55±0.27. Retinal thickness over fovea meant 225.46±102.53m . The average response densities of N1-wave and P1-wave in ring1 were 9.31±6.39 nV/deg2 and 13.42±10.78 nV/deg2. Conclusion: Intraocular TA injection was a good method to treat macular edema resulting from all kinds of retinal diseases. Mf-ERG was a useful tool to evaluate macular function.  TA injection was effective in short time, its long-term role was in observing.



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