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Human optic nerve head astrocyte cells culture in vitro

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-5 11:12:16 中华眼科在线

  青光眼             475                                      PO0419

  Human optic nerve head astrocyte cells culture in vitro

  Dai,Weijia  Culp-Stewart, Shelley A.  Cheng,A   Flanagan, John  Ethier, Ross C

  北京市宣武医院眼科 100053

  Purpose: In order to understand the function of astrocyte cells in remodelling events in the glaucomatous optic nerve head(ONH), astrocytes were cultured from human donor eyes.

  Method: Primary cultures were prepared by explantation of human ONH tissue in order to get different passages of astrocytes cells. Laminar criborsa (LC) cells were prepared concurrently for comparison.  Astrocyte cultures were characterized by immunocytochemistry for GFAP and NCAM. Same procedures were taken for LC.

  Results: Primary cells were grown from human optic nerve head explants within 4-8 weeks after explantation.  Astrocyte cells had a different morphology and growth characteristics than LC cells.  Type 1B astrocyte cells could grow in medium without FBS and were characterized by positive GFAP and NCAM staining. 

  Conclusion: Purified cultures were obtained by second passage and could be harvested by third to fifth passage, which were prepared to use for further study, helping us to expand the research of mechanisms of glaucomatous optic nerve damage.



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