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To analyse the clinical features of The diseases in occipital lobe

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-8 10:40:36 中华眼科在线

BAI Shuwei  HAO Jilong  WEI Shihui

Departmentofophthalmology,china-japan university of ji lin university , changchun 130031,china. Department of ophthalmology, General Hospital of PLA, Beijing 100853, China.

Objective To study the clinical features of the hemorrhage ,infarction and tumor in occipital lobe .Design Prospective observational case series. Participants 50patients were diagnosed with hemorrhage ,infarction and tumor in occipital lobe Methods to analyze the numble of patients who got the decline of visual acuity and the type of visual field defect.The Results were compared. Main outcome visual acuity and visual field Results 34 patients had the decline of visual acuity in history of chief complaint and among them 11 patients were proved through the visual acuity chart .24 patients had visual field defect in the 50 patients.14 patients were diagnosed with hemorrhage and among them 2 patients had the decline in visual acuity and 6 patients had visual field defect;30 patients were diagnosed with infarction and among them 7 patients had the decline in visual acuity and 17 patients
have visual field defect;6 patients were diagnosed with tumor, and among them 2 patients had the decline in visual acuity and 2 patients had visual field defect. Conclusions: The diseases in occipital lobe often bring the decline in visual acuity and visual field defect. Infarction in occipital lobe is to see frequently.




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