结果:McManus方法检测128名(71.5%)参加者右眼为优势眼,无性别差异。同样利用Gündoan 方法再检测发现110名(61.5%)参加者右眼为优势眼。 两种方法的检测结果由Fisher确切概率法分析发现呈显著性相关(P<0.01),一致性数值为为κ=0.256,P<0.001。利用McManus法发现女性参加者中74名(67.3%)右眼为优势眼,36名(32.7%)左眼为优势眼。利用Gündoan法再检测发现62名女(56.4%)右眼为优势眼,48名女(43.6%)左眼为优势眼。通过Fisher确切概率法分析发现McManus和Gündoan两种方法在女性优势眼检测方面呈显著性相关(P<0.05),一致性数值为κ=0.239, P<0.01。在男性参与者中,通过McManus法检测右眼优势眼为54眼(78.3%),左眼优势眼为15眼(21.7%),利用Gündoan法再检测右眼优势眼为48眼(69.6%),左眼优势眼为21眼(30.4%)。利用χ2检验和Fisher确切概率法分析数据。利用Kappa一致性检验分析不同方法的一致性。比例的比较由z检验完成,P值小于0.05为差异显著。
【关键词】 优势眼 优势眼测量法 功能性不对称 一侧面偏重
In humans, the right cerebral hemisphere is dominant in visuospatial and nonverbal function such as art, architecture, geometry and mathematics, whereas the left cerebral hemisphere is dominant in recent verbal functions such as rhetoric, literature, and poetry [14]. Many theorists, particularly in the area of education, have focused on cerebral functional asymmetry called cerebral laterality, was diagnosed by hand preference. But various times the educational system has strong encouraged all children to write with their right hand. Although manifested handedness may be altered by training, but no attempts are made to change the eye dominance for detecting laterality and many authors have seen that dominant eye as a more fundamental measure of underlying cerebral laterality [58].
Despite having been written about for at least 400 years [9], and probably recognized much earlier, little is known about the functional origins of eye dominance [10]. Although many researchers would agree with the position of Peters [11] that just bilateral brain is likely to have problems in cocoordinating the rapid movements of the larynx and vocal cords in producing speech, so bilateral control will also be ineffective in eye movements, where "medial rectus of one eye has to be coordinated with lateral rectus muscle of the other eye" so that process may be better controlled by single, unilateral control mechanism which will give a reliable clue on the subject of the functional laterality of cerebral hemisphere.[10] Dominant eye is associated with hand preference which is most conventionally assessed in terms of the hand used for writing. However precise numerical nature of the relationship is extremely difficult to explain, and in a recent metaanalysis of the literature it was found that about 35% of righthanders and about 57% of lefthanders were left eye dominant[10]. The principal problem of the association of handedness and eye dominance is suggested to be asymmetrical distribution of the proportions (35% and 57%) are themselves asymmetrically distributed to either side of a value of 50% which can be regarded as the biological baseline for laterality [12]. Because of this fluctuating asymmetry between right and left eyes aroused a question in our mind: Could it be related with methodological errors? Could it be contaminated by hand preference? Which method could be more reliable for dominant eye measurement without hand contaminations? In order to clarify the role of methodological diversity in fluctuating asymmetry between the right and left eye dominances we establish a new measurable eye dominance performance method which will depend on objective criterions for assessing dominant eye.
Participants This study was performed in accordance with the ethical standards of the Declaration of Helsinki 1994 which was approved by the local Ethics Committee of Ba�kent University (KA06/04). 179 healthy students with normal visual acuity (69 males, 38.5%, 110 females 61.5%) were investigated by assessing dominanteye. The age of all participants varied between 16 to 24 years (M=19.37 years SD±1.62). The ethnic origin was Caucasian. Informed consent was obtained from each participant.
Recruiment of the Students We explain to the students that if they have personal interest on the subject of cerebral laterality they should contact with us for participating voluntarily for the survey.
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