作者单位:(210029 )中国江苏省南京市,南京中医药大学附属江苏省中医院眼科
【关键词】 复方樟柳碱 针灸 缺血性视神经病变
Effect of the compound anisodine injection combined acupuncture therapy on ischemic optic neuropathy
Li Hang
Department of Ophthalmology, Jiangsu Provincial TCM Hospital Affiliated to Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210029, Jiangsu Province, China
Abstract AIM: To observe the curative effect of the compound anisodine injection combined acupuncture therapy on ischemic optic neuropathy. METHODS: Thirtyfour cases (38 eyes) were divided into two groups randomly: 24 eyes of 22 cases were in treatment group and 14 eyes of 12 cases in control group. In treatment group, the compound anisodine injection was injected subcutaneously around superficial temporal artery of the patients, combining the acupuncture therapy. The eyes in control group were given dexamethasone and compound prescription salvia miltiorrhiza inoculation fluid vein drop note. All eyes in two groups were treated once a day and the course was for 21 days. Visual acuity and visual field of two groups were examined and compared to evaluate the effects. RESULTS: The effective rates of treatment group and control group were 79% and 64%, respectively. The result showed that curative effect of treatment group was better than that of control group (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: With good effect, the treatment of compound anisodine injection combined acupuncture therapy is a good method for ischemic optic neuropathy. KEYWORDS: compound anisondine; acupuncture; ischemic optic neuropathy
0引言 缺血性视神经病变对视力和视野都有严重的损害[1]。近年来,随着人口老龄化以及高血压、高血脂、糖尿病等疾病的发病率逐年升高,缺血性视神经病变的发病率呈上升趋势。复方樟柳碱注射液治疗缺血性视神经病变,增加眼供血,提高视功能已有论述[2,3]。近几年我院眼科应用复方樟柳碱联合针灸治疗缺血性视神经病变,并与传统治疗方法糖皮质激素(地塞米松)、血管扩张剂(复方丹参注射液)治疗该病的疗效作比较,观察结果,报告如下。
1.1对象 200101/200706,在我院眼科确诊的缺血性视神经病变患者34例(38眼)。伴有高血压病18例,糖尿病5例,眼外伤者6例,不明原因者5例。将患者随机分为治疗组和对照组,治疗组22例(24眼),对照组12例(14眼)。其中男24例(28眼)、女10例(10眼),年龄19~69(平均52.3)岁。就诊时间为发病后2~37d,平均为14d。全部病例均表现为视力下降及视野缺损,眼底表现为视盘正常或偏淡,有不同程度水肿,伴或不伴盘周点状、线状出血。两组年龄构成、视力、视野比较无显著性差异。
1.2方法 治疗组采用复方樟柳碱注射液2mL,患侧颞浅动脉旁皮下注射,1次/d,疗程21d。联合针灸疗法,主穴用球后、睛明,配穴用风池、合谷,行针20min,不运针,1次/d,疗程21d;对照组给予地塞米松10mg及复方丹参注射液40mL静脉滴注,1次/d,疗程21d。两组均辅以能量合剂和维生素类药物治疗。每天检查眼底及视力,治疗前及治疗21d后检查视野。
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