Tetsuya Yamamoto, MD.
Department of Ophthalmology, Gifu University Graduate School of Medicine, Gifu, Japan Open-angle glaucoma has a chronic nature, which mandates us to establish a concrete, life-long management strategy according to individual condition. In this symposium, I will talk on the current management of open-angle glaucoma in Japan, focusing on the following issues. 1. Prognosis of open-angle glaucoma. Our data following OAG patients for over ten years will be presented. Even with the use of maximum therapy, we have to predict small, but definite progression in average.
2. Medical treatment. The current pattern of glaucoma medical therapy will be presented. Practically speaking, we prescribe one or two medications in most of the cases. The first-line drugs are prostaglandin-related compounds and beta-blockers.
3. Target pressure. To stabilize the visual filed, it is highly recommended to set a target pressure in an individual basis. I'd like to discuss how much of IOP reduction is desirable for the better prognosis of OAG patients.