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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-29 9:48:31 中华眼科在线





  通讯作者:张小玲[email protected]

  Observation study on the relationship between the asymmetry of intraocular tension and glaucoma without previous diagnosis and treatment in Shaanxi rural people aged above 50
Xiao-Ling Zhang1, Bai-Chao Ren2, Yuan He3,Li Chen4, Nai-Xue Sun2, Jian-Gang Yang2 1 Department of Ophthalmology, the First Hospital of Xian Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Xian 710061, Shaanxi Province, China;2 The Group of Ophthalmologic Epidemiological Study, the Second Hospital of Xian Jiaotong University, Xian 710004, Shaanxi Province, China;3Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhon 510060, Guangdong Province, China;4Department of Ophthalmology, No.4 Hospital of Xian City, Xian 710004, Shaanxi Province, China

  Correspondence to:Xiao-Ling Zhang. Department of Ophthalmo-logy, the First Hospital of Xian Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Xian 710061, Shaanxi Province, China. [email protected]


  AIM: To investigate the asymmetrical distribution of IOP in a rural population in Shaanxi province and review the relationship between it and glaucoma without previous diagnosis.

  METHODS: By using a stratified cluster random sampling technique, total 2125 persons aged above 50 years were draw-out from Yang County, Jingbian County and Fuping County in Shaanxi province during the period of July to December in 2003. All participants had an interview with a standard questionnaire, including questions related to glaucoma of previous diagnosis and treatment, family history, the onset history and history of operation. At the same time, a detailed and relative eye examination was performed, including visual acuity, the intraocular pressure, external eye examination, anterior segment of eye, peripheral anterior chamber depth, fundus examination and so on. A further examination was performed to these persons with suspicious glaucoma, including repeated tonometric examination, gonioscopy, provocative test, automated visual field testing, etc. When the difference of bilateral IOP≥3mmHg was defined as asymmetrical intraocular tension. Cases with patients after cataract operation, glaucoma with previous diagnosis and treatment and person with unconfirmed IOP were excluded.

  RESULTS: Total 1775 participants were more than 50 years old, a response rate of 83.53%, in which 83 participants were excluded because they accepted cataract operation, received previous glaucomatous diagnosis and treatment and had unconfirmed IOP in the past. Eventually, 1692 participants corresponded to the analytical standard. In this population, 23 participants were not found the previous diagnosis of glaucoma, the prevalence was 1.36% \[95% confidence interval (CI), 0.88-2.07\], 124 participants were found to have the asymmetry of intraocular tension, the prevalence was 7.3%(95%CI, 6.2-8.7). With Mantel-Haenszel analyses, the prevalence of the asymmetry of intraocular tension was increasing obviously with aging (P=0.012). The prevalence of subjects with the asymmetry of intraocular tension whose the highest IOP>21mmHg was 35.7%, which was higher than that for subjects whose the highest IOP≤21mmHg (7.1%).With multiple logistic analyses, the asymmetry of intraocular tension has conspicuous association with glaucoma without definite diagnosis (OR:3.68, 95%CI, 1.37-9.86), and this relationship was also existed in subjects whose the highest IOP≤21mmHg (OR:4.74, 95%CI, 1.16- 19.35).

  CONCLUSION: To normal tension glaucoma without definite diagnosis, the asymmetry of intraocular tension may become an useful diagnostic indication.

KEYWORDS: intraocular pressure; glaucoma; old folks
Zhang XL, Ren BC, He Y, et al. Observation study on the relationship between the asymmetry of intraocular tension and glaucoma without previous diagnosis and treatment in Shaanxi rural people aged above 50. Int J Ophthalmol(Guoji Yanke Zazhi)2008;8(6):1194-1197


  目的:通过对陕西省农村50岁以上人群眼压 (IOP)不对称性的分布情况及其与无确诊史的调查,分析眼压不对称性与原发性青光眼之间的关系。
  结果:共调查50岁以上观察对象2125例,其中有1775例完成了青光眼的相关检查,受检率为83.53%。在排除了83例服用抗青光眼药物或有青光眼诊断史、或曾接受过白内障手术及眼压不可信的受检者后,共有1 692例符合研究对象纳入标准。调查发现共有23例无青光眼确诊史的患者,患病率为1.36% (95%CI, 0.88, 2.07)。眼压不对称性共有124例,患病率为7.3% (95%CI, 6.2,8.7)。通过Mantel-Haenszel分层分析,显示眼压不对称性的患病率随年龄的增长而显著增加(P=0.012)。双眼中最高眼压>21mmHg的受检者眼压不对称性的患病率(35.7%)明显高于最高眼压≤21mmHg的受检者(7.1%)。应用多因素非条件logistic回归分析显示眼压不对称性与无确诊史的原发性青光眼有显著性关联(OR为3.68;95%CI,1.37,9.86),此联系在双眼中的最高眼压≤21mmHg的受检者中依旧保持(OR为4.74;95%CI,1.16, 19.35)。 





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