儿童弱视与屈光不正度数及类型的关系 田玉青
作者简介:田玉青,女,验光师。 通讯作者:田玉青. [email protected]
Relationship between the degree and type of ametropia and amblyopia in children
Yu-Qing Tian
Optometric Center, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Beijing 100730, China
Correspondence to: Yu-Qing Tian. Optometric Center, Beijing Tongren Hospital, Beijing 100730, China. [email protected]
AIM: To discuss the relationship between the degree and type of ametropia and amblyopia in children.
METHODS: Thirty-six cases (72 eyes) with the age ranging from 3 to 12 years whose uncorrected visual acuity could not be rectified to 0.8 were from the out-patients. They underwent atropine mydriasis, computer objective examination, and the retinoscope subjective test.
RESULTS: The incidence of amblyopia was 55% in hyperopia, 25% in myopia and 83% in mixed astigmatism. The results showed that the incidence of hyperopia amblyopia was much higher than that of myopia amblyopia.
CONCLUSION: Myopia, hyperopia and mixed astigmatism are the main reasons leading to amblyopia in children. The ametropia degree is directly related to the amblyopia. The bigger the ametropia degree is, the more serious the visual impairment. KEYWORDS: ametropia; amblyopia; cases Tian YQ. Relationship between the degree and type of ametropia and amblyopia in children. Int J Ophthalmol(Guoji Yanke Zazhi)2008;8(6):1280-1281
目的:探讨儿童弱视与屈光不正度数及类型的关系。 方法:门诊3~12岁36例72只裸眼视力不能矫正到0.8的儿童,采用阿托品散瞳、电脑客观检查法、联合检影主观检查法验光。
关键词:屈光不正;弱视 ;病例
田玉青.儿童弱视与屈光不正度数及类型的关系.国际眼科杂志 2008;8(6):1280-1281 |