作者简介:崔志利,男,博士,研究方向:眼外伤。 通讯作者:胡丹,男,博士后,硕士生导师,研究方向:视神经损伤. [email protected]
Effects of CNTF and Ad-BDNF on survival of RGC after optic nerve injury
Zhi-Li Cui1, Jun Kang2, Yan-Nian Hui1, Dan Hu1
Foundation item: Science Research Project of Lanzou Military District Chinese PLA (No. LXH-2005008 )
1Department of Ophthalmology, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xian 710032, Shaanxi Province, China; 2 Department of Ophthalmology,No.451 Hospital of Chinese PLA, Xian 710054,Shaanxi Province, China
Correspondence to: Dan Hu. Department of Ophthalmology, Xijing Hospital, Fourth Military Medical University, Xian 710032, Shaanxi Province, China. [email protected] Received: 2008-01-06Accepted: 2008-05-15
AIM: To investigate the effect of intravitreal injection of CNTF and Ad-BDNF on survival of RGC after optic nerve injury.
METHODS: Optic nerve crush model in rats were established. CNTF and Ad-BDNF were intravitreal injected by retrograde marking the RGC with fluoro-gold (FG). The retrograde labeled RGC were counted under fluorescent microscope.
RESULTS: The number of RGC counted by retrograde labeling of FG was about 2155±265个/mm2 (n=12) after label. Number of RGC decreased quickly after crush 1-2 weeks. In CNTF group, the number of RGC was higher than that of control group (P<0.05). But the number of RGC 2-4 weeks after crush in CNTF group had no difference with that in control group. In Ad-BDNF group, the number of RGC 2-4 weeks after crush were significant difference compared with that of control group at every time point (P<0.05 ).
CONCLUSION: Intravitreal injection of CNTF can protect the RGC in the early time. But these effects can not work for more than 2 weeks. Intravitreal injection of Ad-BDNF can protect the RGC in 4 weeks.
KEYWORDS: optic nerve; crush; CNTF; Ad-BDNF; retinal ganglion cell; fluoro-gold
Cui ZL, Kang J, Hui YN, et al. Effects of CNTF and Ad-BDNF on survival of RGC after optic nerve injury. Int J Ophthalmol(Guoji Yanke Zazhi)2008;8(6):1130-1132
摘要 目的:观察大鼠视神经夹伤后玻璃体腔内注射睫状神经营养因子(CNTF)和腺病毒介导脑源性神经营养因子(Ad-BDNF)对视神经损伤后视网膜神经节细胞(RGC)存活的影响。
结果: 正常SD大鼠视网膜上RGC密度为2155±265个/mm2(n=12),视神经夹伤后RGC在1~2wk内下降速率最快,到3,4wk时RGC细胞数量虽仍有减少但下降速度已经明显减慢。CNTF组在视神经夹伤后1wk时视网膜RGC数显著高于对照组,但2~4wk的结果和对照组比较差异不明显。Ad-BDNF组视神经夹伤后1~4wk视网膜RGC数均显著高于对照组。
崔志利,康军,惠延年,等. CNTF和Ad-BDNF对视神经夹伤后视网膜神经节细胞存活的影响.国际眼科杂志 2008;8(6):1130-1132 |