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Eye cyclotorsion and pupil centroid shift ...

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-8-20 17:00:37 中华眼科在线

  视光学             217                                      PO0613

  Eye cyclotorsion and pupil centroid shift of Chinese myopic patients when going from the upright to the supine position


  上海爱尔眼科医院  200336


  To investigate the eye cyclotorsion and pupil centroid shift of Chinese mypic patients when going from the upright to the supine position.


  102 eyes of 51 consecutive myopic patients who had bilateral CustomVue LASIK between January 2006 and March 2006 were involved in the study. Wavefront measurement and iris registration were performed in the upright position with Wavescan aberrometer, then another iris registration was performed in the supine position during the operation with VISX Star S4.

  I: Right Eye (51 eyes)

  Among the 51 right eyes, 36 eyes (81.8%) had counterclockwise rotation,  8 eyes (18.2%) had clockwise rotation and 7 eyes (13.7%) were not able to be registered.  The mean angle of rotation was 2.73&ordm;±2.02&ordm; for an absolute value. If clockwise rotation was defined as positive and counterclockwise as negative, the mean angle of rotation was -2.22&ordm;±2.59&ordm;. The maximal rotation were 6.6&ordm; for counterclockwise and 5.0&ordm; for clockwise.  Among the 44 right eyes registered, 11 eyes (25.0%) had a rotation <1&ordm;, 10 eyes (22.7%) had a rotation of 1&ordm;~2&ordm;, 5 eyes (11.4%) had a rotation of 2&ordm;~3&ordm;, 4 eyes (9.1%) had a rotation of 3&ordm;~4&ordm;, 6 eyes (13.6%) had a rotation of 4&ordm;~5&ordm;, 8 eyes (18.2%) had a rotation >5&ordm;.
The movements in the X axis: 37 eyes (84.1%) had  positive X movements and 7 eyes (15.9%) had negative X movements. The mean X movements was 0.27±0.22mm (0.31±0.15mm for absolute value). The movements in the Y axis: 18 eyes (40.9%) had  positive Y movements and 26 eyes (59.1%) had negative Y movements. The mean Y movements was -0.04±0.23mm (0.19±0.13mm for absolute value). 

  II: Left Eye (51 eyes)

  Among the 51 left eyes, 21 eyes (53.8%) had clockwise rotation,  18 eyes (46.2%) had counterclockwise rotation and 12 eyes (23.5%) were not able to be registered.  The mean angle of rotation was 2.05&ordm;±1.52&ordm; for an absolute value. If clockwise rotation was defined as positive and counterclockwise as negative, the mean angle of rotation was 0.31&ordm;±2.56&ordm;. The maximal rotation were 5.3&ordm; for counterclockwise and 5.2&ordm; for clockwise.  Among the 39 left eyes registered, 13 eyes (33.3%) had a rotation <1&ordm;, 9 eyes (23.1%) had a rotation of 1&ordm;~2&ordm;, 7 eyes (17.9%) had a rotation of 2&ordm;~3&ordm;, 4 eyes (10.3%) had a rotation of 3&ordm;~4&ordm;, 4 eyes (10.3%) had a rotation of 4&ordm;~5&ordm;, 2 eyes (5.1%) had a rotation >5&ordm;.

  The movements in the X axis: 30 eyes (76.9%) had negative X movements, 8 eyes (20.5%) had  positive X movements and 1 eye (2.6%) had no X movement.  The mean X movements was -0.13±0.25mm (0.23±0.14mm for absolute value). The movements in the Y axis: 22 eyes (56.4%) had  positive Y movements, 15 eyes (38.5%) had negative Y movements, and  2 eye (5.2%) had no Y movement. The mean Y movements was 0.01±0.24mm (0.19±0.14mm for absolute value). 
  III: Overall Eye Rotation (83 eyes)

  Among the 83 eyes registered, 24 eyes (28.9%) had a rotation <1&ordm;, 19 eyes (22.9%) had a rotation of 1&ordm;~2&ordm;, 12 eyes (14.5%) had a rotation of 2&ordm;~3&ordm;, 8 eyes (9.6%) had a rotation of 3&ordm;~4&ordm;, 10 eyes (12.0%) had a rotation of 4&ordm;~5&ordm;, 10 eyes (12.0%) had a rotation >5&ordm;.

  IV: Bilateral Rotation (68 eyes of 34 patients)
34 patients had both eyes redistered successfully.

  (1) Excyclotorsion: counterclockwise rotation in the right eye and clockwise in the left eye, 14 eyes (41.2%).

  (2) Incyclotorsion: clockwise rotation in the right eye and counter- clockwise in the left eye, 1 eyes (2.9%).

  (3) Counterclockwise rotation in both eyes: 15 eyes (44.1%).

  (4) Clockwise rotation in both eyes: 4 eyes (11.8%).


  Eyes would have a cyclotorsion and pupil centroid shift when going from the upright to the supine position. CustomVue with iris registration may be a useful tool for detecting the eye cyclotorsion and pupil centroid shift.


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