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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-8-24 10:03:40 中华眼科在线


  眼视光学杂志 1999年第2期第1卷 文献综述



  2 近距工作引起的永久性近视






  临床研究也为眼动参数随近视发展而变化的理论提供了让人感兴趣的初步证据。Birnbaom[68]观察了近视发展中调节与辐辏的临床测量值变化,他提出:早期近视可能与低的正相关调节和调节幅度以及视近内隐斜增大或视近外隐斜减少有关。Drobe和de Saint-Andre[69]比较了法国视光学医生测定的保持正视的和后来发展为近视的一批儿童和青年的近距隐斜数据,发现两组的差距有2.9棱镜度(P=0.008)而原近视组内隐斜更明显。Gosss和Jackson[70]也发现发展为近视组视近时的内隐斜更明显。这组的儿童中,近视开始前与近视后,视近时常常表现为内隐斜,这结果与成人中的发现类似,即发展成LOM的人在近视前与近视后表现出较高的反应性AC/A值[32]。而且,高AC/A值与高分离性近距隐斜有关[71]。这一发现揭示了调节与辐辏相互作用在近视发展中的重要作用。同样的辐辏反应,高AC/A值者视近的调节量比正常或低AC/A者有较大的滞后。而且,调节滞后可能在视网膜上产生模糊像质,这可以成为误差信号引起眼的补偿性生长,而导致近视的发展。

  3 讨论



  感谢:Dr.Harold and Dr Stephen Morse对形成本文初稿的讨论和建议。


  Oculomotor function in nearwork-induced transiant and permanent myopia(Part Ⅱ)


  2 Nearwork-induced permanent myopia

  Generally,it is accepted that childhood myopia progression is due to axial elongation,which is not compensated by reductions in corneal and crystalline lens powers[3,39,40,41]. Until recently,the component mechanisms that produce LOM become clear. Kent[70]reported longitudinal data,for one subject,showing that corneal power increased as myopia progressed during the early adult years. Goss and Erickson[43] found that correlations between corneal steepening and myopia progression were significant in both principal meridians. However,they did not check whether other optical components changed with the progress of myopia. Adams[44] reported that his own keratometer findings remained stable as his myopia progressed during the adult years,and concluded that the progression was not due to corneal steepening but due to axial elongation. McBrien and Millodot[45] reported that LOMs had deeper vitreous chambers than emmetropes. Their LOM subjects were also found to have deeper anterior chambers and thinner crystalline lenses,but no differences were found in corneal curvature. Grosvenor and Scott[46] measured the changes in refraction and ocular components over 3 years for three groups of young adults:EOM(n=29),LOM(n=26),and emmetropes(n=24). They found that the only ocular components that significantly correlated with changes in refraction were vitreous chamber depth and axial length. Interestingly,when subjects from the two groups of myopes were matched for the amount of myopia,there were no significant differences in any of the ocular components,and they concluded that all myopia is axial in origin. Jiang and Woessner[47]observed a young adult's refractive error development and suggested that her vitreous chamber elongation was responsible for the refractive error change. McBrien and Adams[11] collected refractive and biometric data from 251 clinical microscopists during a 2-year period and concluded that the vitreous chamber elongation caused the onset and/or progress of myopia.

  Recent findings from the animal modeling literature can be integrated with the oculomotor literature in human studies resulting in strong evidence that oculomotor mechanisms are involved in inducing axial-length elongation in certain individuals. In a wide variety of animal species,abnormal visual experience during early development interferes with the normally coordinated growth of ocular components and produces anomalous refractive status. Research on animals is currently directed toward identifying the environmental factors that influence the emmetropization process and the mechanisms by which these factors affect the eye's refractive status. Animal studies on myopia were influenced mainly by the classical experiment of Wiesel and Raviola[48] who found that lid suture in the immature monkey results in an increase in axial length and a myopic eye(called‘deprivation myopia’or'form-deprivation myopia'). Although,many factors could alter the retinal image of the lid sutured eye[49,50],degraded spatial vision associated with reduced image contrast appears to be the most likely aspect of lid closure that triggers the onset of lid-sutured myopia. However,studies of form deprivation alone do not reveal how,or if,the quality of the retinal image‘actively' and ‘normally' regulates the eye to grow to‘be in focus'for its environment(i.e.,the role of normal visual experience in emmetropization). Although there are several ways to change the retinal image and possibly alter the eye's growth,the most plausible visual feedback that can be used by the eye to perform emmetropization is the sign and magnitude of optical defocus. Studies in chicken have shown that a vision-dependent,“grow-to-be-in-focus”,adaptive process is indeed present. Chicken eyes that are fitted with different powered spectacle lenses,can grow to compensate for the induced defocus[51~56]. This compensationis mainly achieved by changing the eye's axial growth rate,especially vitreous chamber depth[57]. Furthermore,the magnitude of the defocus that will result in refractive change is smaller than previously believed,i.e.,not much greater than the estimated depth of focus of the chick eye[58]. Studies in primates have also demonstrated a vision-dependent“grow-to-be-in-focus”mechanism,e.g.,Hung et al.[59] reported that infant monkeys exhibit compensating ocular growth for optical defocus induced by positive or negative lenses.

  There is a fundamental difference between form deprivation and optical defocus. With optical defocus,if the amount of defocus is not very large,the eye can continuously receive visual feedback(i.e.,the quality of the retinal image serves as an error signal for the refractive status). When the eye grows toward the appropriate focus position the quality of the image improves. However,in form deprivation rearing strategies,visual feedback is meaningless because no matter how the eye grows,the retinal image quality is not improved(i.e.,the visual feedback loop is ‘opened'or‘fixed at a constant value'). The striking difference between the two types of axial elongation is that the optical defocus type requires the involvement of abrain-mediated mechanism and the other type(deprivation myopia)does not because it still occurs if the optic nerve is cut[60].

  There have been some human studies that looked at the potential role of the optical blur mechanism in producing myopia by examining a specific oculomotor parameter. According to the parameter being measured,these studies can be divided into two categories. In one,the accommodative stimulus/response function was measured and in the other,the dissociated near phoria was measured.

  The accommodative stimulus/response function has been compared in different refractive groups. McBrien and Millodot[61] found that the accommodative response for near targets(4 and 5 D)is lower in LOM versus in emmetropes. With a 3 D target,Rosenfield and Gilmartin[62] confirmed the above findings. Bullimore et al.[63] confirmed that LOMs have a lower response for near targets under a passive viewing condition,but not under an active condition. Gwiazda et al.[46] measured accommodative stimulus/response functions for emmetropic and myopic children and found that myopic children accommodated less to high accommodative demands in their two of three viewing conditions. Abbott et al[64]. applied the same method on young adults. They found that progressing myopes had reduced accommodative response to negative lens-induced accommodative demands,but the accommodative responses in stable myopes were same as in emmetropes. Jiang[37] measured the accommodative stimulus/response functions of emmetropes and LOMs under binocular,monocular,and monocular with a Badal optical system viewing conditions. The mean slope of the function of the LOMs was lower than the mean slope of the emmetropes in the monocular and the Badal conditions,but there was no difference in the binocular condition. These studies provided preliminary evidence that reduced accommodative responses occurred during the onset of myopia. However,a remaining question regarding the correlation between blur-driven accommodation and myopia is whether one could cause the other,or whether a common factor influences both[65]. Applying these results to the control theory model of accommodation,it is still not very clear whether the difference in accommodative responses and/or slope between refractive groups is caused by the difference in their accommodative controller's gain or in the accommodative dead-space,the latter usually being thought of as the depth-of-focus of the eye.

  Jiang[66,67] suggested a modified model of static accommodation,in which an accommodative sensory gain(ASG)was added as a linear operator to simulate the sensory part of the system. Results derived from the model showed that the sensory part not only affected the slope of the accommodative response function but also increased the system's effective threshold(ET)to the defocus signal. To test the theoretical result,Jiang compared calculated values of ET between 13 emmetropic and 10 LOMs. This difference in ET between the two groups was significant. However,no significant difference was found in the dark-focus or the accommodative stimulus/response slopes between the groups. From analyzing the data of the slope and ET,he speculated that the sensory system in LOM subjects might be less sensitive to defocus than that of emmetropic subjects. This,combined with the information provided by the studies described above,emphasizes the role of optical defocus in inducing refractive error change.

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