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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-10-19 10:35:35 中华眼科在线


    The definition is based on the international standard which World Health Organization (WHO) recommended.Blindness is defined as visual acuity of less than 3/60 in the better eye with the best possible correction.Low vision is defined as visual acuity of less than 6/18 but equal to or better than 3/60 in the better eye with best possible correction[9].

    The study was conducted from August 20 to September 23,2007.There were 802(47.17%) persons aged 30 years and above in this village.665 of them participated in the study.The response rate was 82.92%.The average age was 51.3 years in male and 50.9 years in female.in all participators,388 (58.3%) persons were female and 277 (41.7%) persons were male.The prevalence of low vision and blindness by sex are shown in Table 1.Table 1  The prevalence of low vision and blindness by sexTable 2  The prevalence of low vision and blindness by literatureTable 3  The prevalence of low vision and blindness by occupation Table 4  Distribution of low vision and blindness among different age group

    The prevalence of low vision was 2.1% (95% confidence interval was 1.2%~3.6%).The major causes of low vision were cataract (42.9%),corneal opacity (14.3%),refractive error (14.3%),posterior segment disease (14.3%),suspected glaucoma (7.1%) and congenital disease (7.1%)(Figure 1).

    The prevalence of blindness was 0.5% (95% confidence interval was 0.1%~1.4%) in this study.The major causes were cataract 66.7% and congenital disease 33.3%(Figure 2).

    Figure 2  Percentage of different causes of blindness


    In this study,The high prevalence of low vision and blindness was due to low literacy.This survey showed that the prevalence of low vision in females was higher than in males.And the prevalence of low vision was related to old age and socioeconomic status.


    One or two doctors who work in the village should be trained in Handan Eye Hospital.Training the ophthalmologist should be continuous.

    The simple diagnostic tools like visual acuity charts,torches,slit lamp,and direct ophthalmoscope should be given to the trained ophthalmologist.

    A chain of referral system should be estimated from Shenzhuang village hospital to Handan Eye Hospital.

    The cost of treatment and surgery should be reduced or be made free to the poor people.This can be done with the support of the government and Handan Eye Hospital.

    Mobile eye camp from Handan Eye Hospital should guide and help the trained ophthalmologist.

    Health education in the village should be started.The present resources should be used efficiently.The electronic media should be used for spreading the basic knowledge about eye illnesses.

    Non-governmental organization(NGO) should pay more attention to the decreasing blindness in the rural areas in China.

    The Ministry of Health should make some programs for the poor people.Such as making development plan for rural health service and giving the poor people free examination facility on yearly basis.

    A project of “Ten thousand city doctors going to the countryside to support rural health services” should be implemented.

    WHO should give China more support on eliminating blindness in rural areas.


    1 Area rank is disputed with the United States and is sometimes ranked third or fourth (see #Geography and climate).

    2 WHO.Vision 2020.The Right to Sight:Vision 2020 launched in the Western Pacific.Global initiative for the elimination of avoidable blindness,Press Release 45.Geneva,1999,1-3.

    3 Bureau of Statistics.China statistics year book 2004.Beijing:China Statistics Press,2004,95-119.

    4 Lin Yan.Care for the elderly.Medical Progress,1999,26(9):31-34.

    5 Hylefors B.A global initiative for the elimination of avoidable blindness.Am J Ophthalmol,1998,125:90-93.

    6 Thylefors±MD.Global initiative for the elimination of avoidable blindness.Community Eye Health,1998,11(25):1-3.

    7 WHO.Strategies for the prevention of blindness in national programmes-a primary health care approach.Geneva:World Health Organization.1997.

    8 WHO.Prevention of blindness and visual impairment.Available:http://www.who.int/blindness/en/.Accessed 20 October 2005.

    9 WHO Study Group.The prevention of blindness.WHO Technical Report Series,1973,518:1-18.

    作者单位:056001 河北邯郸,邯郸市邯郸眼科医院白内障中心

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