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Epidemiology findings of ocular high order

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-12-22 16:16:32 中华眼科在线

Epidemiology findings of ocular high order aberration in middle age group of Taiwan population


台湾诺贝尔眼科机构   200030

Purpose:High order aberration(HOA)optical changes has been shown to increase after corneal or lens refractive surgery.Our study looks into epidemiologic risk factors and correlations between HOA and ocular parameters,these factors has not been thoroughly investigate before in an Asia population.

Method: A total of 2218 normal virgin eyes were recruited from 1109 patients in our refractive clinic,ocular parameter data including manifest refractive errors,manifest astigmatism,Max K,Min K,Sim K,Age,photopic/scotopic pupil size,cornea thickness,Schirmer’s test were gathered by chart review.Patients’HOA,and other sub-order of HOA such as coma,trefoil,spherical aberration were gather through CustomVue Visx wave scan data.Statistical examinations were performed with SPSS.Statistical calculation included data description,Pearson’s correlation,and Multiple regressions.

Results:Mean pre-op high order aberration in our population of middle age group where found to be 0.35 um RMS,which is slightly lower in male gender group(0.34um).Correlation between ocular parameter and HOA was found on all parameters except Min-K,corneal thickness and Schirmer test.Most significant correlation was manifest refractive error and scotopic pupil size(p<0.01).Multiple regression with HOA as dependent variable shows correlation between Age,Sim-K,Scotopic pupil size,Spherical equivalent,manifest refractive errors,whereas Schirmer test,gender,cornea thickness(pachymeter)where shown to have weak correlations.
Conclusions:High order aberration(HOA)was shown to have high correlation with age,pupil size,sim-K,spherical equivalent and manifest refractive error.Whereas pachymeter,Schimer test data and gender was not found to have significant correlation with HOA.In an era where low order aberration can be eliminated through refractive surgery,the risk factors for development and enhancement of HOA has become important.



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