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http://www.cnophol.com 2010-1-25 10:00:33 中华眼科在线


    Chemokines are a group of low molecular weight (~8 14kDa), mostly basic structurally related proteins that function as potent mediators of inflammation by their ability to recruit and activate leukocytes[19,20]. There are two major subfamilies of chemokines: CXC chemokines like CXCL8/IL8 usually recruit neutrophils, whereas CC chemokines like CCL2 and CCL5 tend to attract monocytes[21].

    IL8 and its Receptor Genes  IL8 can cause a transient increase in cytosolic calcium concentrations and release of enzymes from granules, thus enhance the production of reactive oxygen species and increase chemotaxis to neutrophils. Cellular activities of IL8 are mediated by its two receptors, CXCR1 and CXCR2. Serum and cerebrospinal fluid levels of IL8 have been found to be elevated in BD patients and correlated with disease activity[22,23]. Concentration of IL8 increase significantly in the aqueous humor of patients with acute anterior uveitis (AAU)[24].

    DuymazTozkir et al[25] reported no skewed deviation of IL8 or CXCR2 gene polymorphisms in Turkish patients with BD. Yeo et al[26] reported no association between IL8 or CXCR1 gene polymorphisms and IAU either. On the contrary, Lee et al[27] found that though there were no SNPs associated with BD, the increased frequency of haplotype TAT inferred from SNPs IL8353A/T, 251A/T and +678T/C has strong association with BD. These results suggested that a combined effect of IL8 SNPs is necessary to disease susceptibility, while the individual effect is not strong enough to show it.

    CCL2 and its Receptor Genes  CCL2, known as monocyte chemoattractant protein1 (MCP1), is a chemoattractive cytokine. In animal models CCL2 was shown to play a role in autoimmune response and was thought to participate in the leukocyte infiltration and protein leakage in AAU and in the induction of uveitis itself[28,29]. MCP1 can be detected easily in the aqueous humor of patients with active AAU[24]. CCL2 2518A>G polymorphism, which correlates with individual difference in production of MCP1, was identified in the MCP1 gene distal regulatory region[30]; monocytes from individuals carrying 2518G allele produce more MCP1 after proper stimulus.

    Chen et al[31] found that CCL2 haplotype with GA/AA were more prevalent in females and AA/AA or AA/AT were more prevalent in males. Wegscheider et al[32] showed that carriers of CCL22518G allele were significantly more often in patients with HLAB27 associated AAU than HLAB27 positive controls. Another study[26] demonstrated that the frequency of MCP1 63555T allele was significantly higher in controls compared to patients with IAU, which indicated that T allele may be a protective marker against uveitis.

    The associations of SNPs in CCL2 gene and clinical phenotypes of uveitis were identified by the study of idiopathic immunemediated posterior uveitis[33]. The results showed that CCL22518G allele was associated with a younger age onset of disease, the mean age of disease onset in patients with AA genotype was 41 years compared to 33 years in patients with G allele. The study also found that patients with CCR2 64I allele had a higher risk of developing an elevated intraocular pressure compared to patients with wildtype genotype.

    CCL5 and its Receptor Genes  CCL5, earlier called regulated upon activation, normal Tcell expressed, and secreted (RANTES), is chemotactic for T cells and plays an active role in recruiting leukocytes into inflammatory sites. Two polymorphic sites ( 28 and  403) in the upstream region of the CCL5 gene that contains cisacting element involved with CCL5 promoter activity[34,35]. They were in linkage disequilibrium. The CCL5 403AA genotype was only found in male patients with BD but not in controls[31].

    Ahad et al[33] found that CCL5 403GG genotype was associated with disease severity and G allele was associated with worse visual acuity (VA) in the affected eye. CCL5 del32 was found to be associated with visual outcome even after correction for disease phenotype and treatment. CCL559029 polymorphism was associated with the need for persistent corticosteroid therapy of more than 10mg per day to control inflammation. Yang et al[36] and Mojtahedi et al[37] reported no association of CCR5del32 polymorphism with BD but revealed a significant difference in distribution of the CCR5 del32 in female patients compared with female controls.


    In addition to above gene polymorphisms, other cytokines and their receptor genes, such as IL6, IL10 and IFNγ, have also been studied[9]. Studies of the genetics of uveitis have revealed that cytokine and chemokine gene polymorphisms have strong associations with uveitis. But current studies of these genes concentrated on casecontrol study, small sample size is a frequent problem and can result in insufficient statistical power and provide imprecise estimates of the disease association. In the future, largescale studies and different populations will be necessary to validate the associations of these genes and uveitis development and clinical phenotypes.

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