optokinetic nystagmus, OKN 视动性眼球震颤
曾用名"视旋转性眼球震颤(optical rotatory nystagmus)".
latent nystagmus 隐性眼球震颤
ocular nystagmus 眼性眼球震颤
visual nystagmus 视觉性眼球震颤
amblyopic nystagmus 弱视性眼球震颤
miner nystagmus 矿工性眼球震颤
occupational nystagmus 职业性眼球震颤
central nystagmus 中枢性眼球震颤
congenital nystagmus 先天性眼球震颤
toxic nystagmus 中毒性眼球震颤
rhythmical nystagmus 律动性眼球震颤
pendular nystagmus 摆动性眼球震颤
horizontal nystagmus 水平性眼球震颤
vertical nystagmus 垂直性眼球震颤
rotatory nystagmus 旋转性眼球震颤
irregular nystagmus 不规则眼球震颤
fixation nystagmus 凝视性眼球震颤
intermittent nystagmus 间歇性眼球震颤
nystagmoid jerking 眼球震颤样跳动
ophthalmia 眼炎
intraocular hemorrhage 眼内出血
retrobulbar hemorrhage 球后出血
herpes zoster ophthalmicus 眼带状疱疹
ocular pemphigus 眼天疱疮
ocular toxoplasmosis 眼弓形体病
ocular histoplasmosis 眼组织胞浆菌病
intraocular coenurosis 眼内多头绦虫蚴病
ocular cysticercosis 眼囊尾蚴病
ophthalmomyiasis interna 眼内蝇蛆病
ophthalmomelanosis 眼黑变病
ocular albinism 眼白化病
nevus fuscoceruleus ophthalmomaxillaris 眼颧部褐蓝痣
又称"太田痣(nevus of Ota)".
ophthalmic migraine 眼性偏头痛
ocular vertigo 眼病性眩晕
refraction, Rfr 屈光
dioptric system 屈光系统
schematic eye 模型眼
reduced eye 简化眼
corneal curvature 角膜曲率
corneal curvature radius 角膜曲率半径
curvature of lens 晶状体曲率
refractive index, refr ind 屈光指数
visual axis 视轴
nodal point 结点
prismatic lens 棱镜片
rotary prism 回旋棱镜
apex of prism 棱镜尖
base of prism 棱镜底
base of prism up, BU 棱镜底向上
base of prism down, BD 棱镜底向下
base of prism in, BI 棱镜底向内
base of prism out, BO 棱镜底向外
lens 镜片
spherical lens, Sph 球镜片
convex lens 凸球镜片
concave lens 凹球镜片
periscopic lens 周视镜片
cylindrical lens, cyl 柱镜片
convex cylindrical lens 凸柱镜片
concave cylindrical lens 凹柱镜片
spherocylindrical lens 球柱镜片
plano lens 平光镜片
bifocal lens 双焦点镜片
trifocal lens 三焦点镜片
multifocal lens 多焦点镜片
refractive power 屈光力
diopter, Diop 屈光度
center of lens 镜片中心
optical center 光学中心
combination 联合
emmetropia, EM 正视眼
ametropic eye 屈光不正眼
ametropia, AM 屈光不正
axial ametropia 轴性屈光不正
curvature ametropia 曲率性屈光不正
index ametropia 指数性屈光不正
refractive ametropia 屈光性屈光不正
hypermetropia, Hy 远视[眼]
total hypermetropia, Ht 总远视
absolute hypermetropia, Ha 绝对远视
facultative hypermetropia 能胜远视
manifest hypermetropia, Hm 显性远视
latent hypermetropia, Hl 隐性远
axial hypermetropia 轴性远视
curvature hypermetropia 曲率性远视
index hypermetropia 指数性远视
low hypermetropia 低度远视
medium hypermetropia 中度远视
high hypermetropia 高度远视
myopia, My 近视[眼]
axial myopia 轴性近视
curvature myopia 曲率性近视 上一页 [1] [2] [3] [4] |