Abstract ·A 25一yea r man presented with symptom of photophobiaand tea ring in the right eye for 2 months du ration.It wasassociated with painIess g raduaI reduced vision. Therewas a history of hammering on a metal objoct prior to that.Ocular examination reveaIed signs of mild anterioruveitis due to a retained meta⋯I c intraIenticula r foreign body.Conjunctiva was white.Computed Tomography(CT)scan of the orbit confirmed presence of a single intraocular foreign body.The condition is misleading andcan be easily overlooked.A detailed history and clinicaIexam ination are mandatory in this misleading situation.· KEYW ORDS: miId anterior uveitis. intraIenticuIarforeign body,misleading situation
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