Abstract ·AIM :T0 determine the efect of amniotic membranetransplantation(AMT)on the disorders of ocular su rface. ·METHODS:From May 2002 to July 2007,twenty patients(20 eyes),who had an previous experienced methods ofsorts,including contact lens or ta rsorrhaphy,underwentAMT. ·RESULTS:The disorders were healed after the fi rst AMTin 10 eyes (50% ) within an average of 20 days after surgery and recurred in 1 eye(10%). ·CONCLUS10N:AMT is helpful in the treatment of thedisorders of ocular surface. ·KE、,\^『0RDS:amniotic membrane:transplantation:ocularsuface:epithelial defectsDOI:10.3969/j.issn.1672-5123.2009.07.004Zhao F,Meng P,Wang JM,Bai XN,Hui L,Hui XF,Zhu JL.Amniotic membrane transplantation in 20 patients with disorders ofocular surface./nt J Ophthalmol(Cuoji Yanke Zazhi 2009;9(7):1230—1232
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