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柚皮素对ARPE19 和HUVEC细胞的抗氧化作用

http://www.cnophol.com 2011-1-19 10:29:50 中华眼科在线


  Cytotoxicity of Naringenin Naringenin significantly improved the formation of formazan on ARPE19 cells in a concentrationdependent manner (Figure 1A). If ARPE19 cells were rinsed with PBS before adding MTT, 3 and 10mg/L naringenin still significantly improved the proliferation of ARPE19 cells by 10.8% and 11.4%, respectively (Figure 1B). However, naringenin significantly inhibited the proliferation of HUVEC. The reduction of the endothelial cells was 23.9%, 70.4% and 77.9% in the 3, 10 and 30mg/L naringenintreated groups, respectively (Figure 1C).

  Effect of Naringenin on Hypoxiainduced Damage in Cells

  Naringenin significantly increased the hypoxiainduced damage in RPE cells in a concentrationdependent manner. Ten mg/L naringenin increased the viabilily of ARPE19 cell by 55.2% in hypoxic condition (Figure 2A). However, if the cells were rinsed with PBS before adding MTT solution, the result showed that naringenin had no effect on the proliferation of ARPE19 cells in hypoxic condition (data not shown). Naringenin increased hypoxiainduced damage by 10.7% and 13.1% at the concentrations of 1 and 3mg/L naringenintreated groups as compared with vehicle control group in HUVEC (Figure 2B).

  Figure 1Effect of naringenin on proliferation of cells incubated for 72h (aP<0.05,bP<0.01 vs vehicle control, ±s, n=6)(略)

  Figure 2 Effect of naringenin on hypoxiainduced injury in cells for 72h (aP<0.05,bP<0.01 vs vehicle control, ±s,n=6)(略)

  Effect of Naringenin on NaN3induced Injury in Cells Naringenin significantly increased 0.3, 1 and 3mmol/L NaN3induced injury in ARPE19 cells concentrationdependently. Ten mg/L naringenin increased the viability of 0.3mmol/L NaN3injuried ARPE19 cells by 69.2%( Figure 3). However, if the cells were rinsed with PBS before adding MTT solution, the result showed that naringenin had no effect on the proliferation of NaN3injured ARPE19 cells (data not shown). Naringenin had no effect on NaN3induced injury in HUVEC either (data not presented).

  Effect of Naringenin on tBHPinduced Injury in Cells Naringenin significantly improved the viability of 50 and 100mol/L tBHPtreated ARPE19 cells concentrationdependently (Figure 4A). At the concentration of 1mg/L, naringenin increased the 50 mol/L tBHPinduced damage by 20.2%. If the cells were rinsed with PBS before adding MTT solution, the result showed that naringenin still increased the proliferation of tBHPtreated ARPE19 cells. At higher concentration of 30mg/L, naringenin increased the proliferation of ARPE19 cells by 32.2% (Figure 4B). Naringenin had no effect on tBHPinduced injury in HUVEC (data not shown).

  Effect of Naringenin on H2O2induced Injury in Cells Naringenin significantly increased the H2O2induced damage in ARPE19 cells in a concentrationdependent manner. Ten mg/L naringenin increased the viability of H2O2injured ARPE19 cells by 50.3% (Figure 5A). However, if the cells were rinsed with PBS before adding MTT solution, the result showed that naringenin had no effect on the proliferation of H2O2treated ARPE19 cells (data not shown). Naringenin also increased H2O2induced injury in HUVEC. At the concentration of 3mg/L, naringenin increased the viability of 400mol/L H2O2injured HUVEC by 20.1% and 21.5% as compared with 200 and 400mol/L H2O2treated groups, respectively (Figure 5B).

  Effect of Naringenin on NaIO3induced Injury in Cells As shown in Figure 6A, naringenin increased the viability of 30, 100 and 300mg/L NaIO3induced injuries in ARPE19 cells concentrationdependently. One mg/L naringenin increased the viability of 30, 100 and 300mg/L NaIO3treated ARPE19 cells by 30.4%, 26.6%, and 20.7%, respectively. Naringenin also increased NaIO3induced reduction of ARPE19 cells in a concentrationdependent manner. One mg/L naringenin increased the proliferation of 30, 100 and 300mg/L NaIO3treated ARPE19 cells by 30.3%, 10.3% and 18.5%, respectively (Figure 6B). Naringenin only increased 300mg/L NaIO3induced injuries in HUVEC. One mg/L naringenin increased the viablility of HUVEC that injured by 300mg/L NaIO3 by 41.2% (Figure 6C).


  The present data demonstrated that naringenin differed in its cytotoxicity and antioxidative capacity toward different oxidants and cell lines. Naringenin increased the viability of ARPE19 cells alone and hypoxia, NaN3, tBHP, H2O2, and NaIO3treated ARPE19 cells in a concentrationdependent manner. The results indicate that naringenin could prevent the oxidative damage of RPE in AMD patients. The mechanism of significant increase of formazan in ARPE19 cells requires further study.Naringenin improved the proliferation of ARPE19 cells, and tBHP and NaIO3treated ARPE19 cells. These results indicate that naringenin could reverse the reduction of RPE in AMD patients.

  Figure 3 Effect of naringenin on NaN3induced injury in ARPE19 cells for 72h (aP<0.05,bP<0.01 vs model control, cP<0.05,dP<0.01 vs vehicle control, ±s, n=6)(略)

  Figure 4 Effect of naringenin on tBHPinduced injury in ARPE19 cells for 12h A: not rinsed with PBS before adding MTT; B: washed with PBS before adding MTT (aP<0.05, bP<0.01 vs model control, cP<0.05,dP<0.01 vs vehicle control, ±s, n=6)(略)

  Figure 5 Effect of naringenin on H2O2induced injury in cells for 24h (aP<0.05, bP<0.01 vs model control, cP<0.05,dP<0.01 vs vehicle control, ±s, n=6)(略)

  Figure 6 Effect of naringenin on NaIO3induced injury in cells for 72h (aP<0.05, bP<0.01 vs model control, cP<0.05,dP<0.01 vs vehicle control. ±s, n=6)(略)

  Endothelial cells played an important role in the process of CNV development [14]. 3, 10, and 30mg/L naringenin inhibited the proliferation of HUVEC, which suggested that naringenin might inhibit the development of CNV in vivo. These results indicate that naringenin might be useful to prevent wet AMD. It is interesting to find out that 3mg/L naringenin increased hypoxia, H2O2, and NaIO3induced damage in HUVEC. These results indicate that naringenin alone could inhibit the formation of CNV, and could also protect the endothelial cells of blood vessel from oxidative stress if the endothelial cells were attacked by some oxidants. The result of antioxidant effect of naringenin on H2O2induced damage in HUVEC was consistent with previous publication [15] which reported that naringenin was effective as an inhibitor of H2O2induced oxidative stress in HUVEC and could protect cell viability with ≥85% viable cells compared with the control without apparent nuclear condensation or DNA fragmentation.

  In conclusion, the present study showed that naringenin could reverse hypoxia, NaN3, tBHP, H2O2, and NaIO3induced injury in ARPE19 cells, and improve the proliferation of ARPE19 cells. Furthermore, naringenin could inhibit the proliferation of HUVEC and increased hypoxia, H2O2, and NaIO3induced damage at the same time. These results indicate that naringenin is not only useful to treat dry AMD but also the wet AMD. Thus, naringenin might become a promising candidate for treating AMD in the future.

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