Abstract ·AIM :T0 investigate the effects of naringenin on laser—jnduced experimental choroidal ne0vascuIarizatjon(CNV) in rat models.ocular blood flow in rabbit eyes and retinaIfunction recovery after ischemic insults in rat eyes. ·M ETHODS:Male Brown Norway rats were treated tobreak the Bruch s membrane.Naringenin 10g/L(20mg/kg)was given once—daily through intraDerit0neal injection for 4weeks after Iaser treatment.The development of CNV wasdetermined by fluorescein angiography(FA) performedon weeks 2 and 4.The colored microsphere technique andelectroretinography method were used for the study ofocular blood flow and retinaI function recovery. respectively. · RESULTS: The choroidaI blood flow in elevatedintraocular pressure (1OP)rabbit eyes was significantly increased by 10g/L naringenin solution as compared tocontrol group(P<0.05).The retinal function recovery after ischemic insults jn rat eyes indicated significantincrease of b—wave recovery in treated group, ascompared to control group(P <0.05).The intensity offluorescein leakage fr0m the phOt0cOaguIated lesionsdecreased significantly in treated group,com pared to thecontrol group(75.8%一95.0% ,P<0.01).
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