屈光手术是校正屈光不正的一种安全的方法。来自美国德克萨斯州Lackland空军基地屈光手术中心的Vasudha A. Panday医学博士和同事回顾了2005年1月至2011年12月进行的全部24446例屈光性角膜切削术(PRK)和LASIK手术病例。他们仅识别出1例细菌性角膜炎病例——发病率仅为0.0041%。美国弗吉尼亚州阿灵顿See Clearly Vision 组的Rajesh K. Rajpal医学博士说,Panday医师介绍了一篇“患者数量明显很多的高质量论文。”
Incidence of Microbial Keratitis Following Refractive Surgery
Purpose: To determine the incidence and to identify trends of post-refractive surgery microbial keratitis at a military (USAF) laser center over the last 7 years.
Methods:Retrospective review of all refractive surgery cases completed from January 2005 to December 2011. A total of 24,446 total procedures, including both PRK and LASIK. Any diagnosis of microbial keratitis was identified and a chart review completed.
Results: One case of Gram-positive bacterial, with secondary fungal, infection was identified for an incidence of 0.0041%.
Conclusion: The rate of infection reported in the literature varies between 0.02% and 1.5%. The rate seen in this review is significantly lower. Refractive surgery, whether PRK or LASIK, is a safe means of correcting refractive error. |