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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-5-29 12:30:46 中华眼科在线

  【摘要】  目的:了解中小学生视力不良情况和屈光状态及其与近视发生发展的关系。方法:调查江苏省南京市区12 000 名中小学生的远视力,其中7 578名视力不良学生进行散瞳验光,判断屈光状态,将所得结果比较分析。结果:视力不良发生率为63.15%,各组别近视眼发病率差异有显著意义,女生发生率高于男生,视力下降的程度也随学年的升高差异明显加重。屈光不正中小学组以远视最多,初高中组以近视为主。远视性屈光不正的患病率随学年升高而下降,近视性屈光不正患病率则随学年升高逐渐增加。结论:引起中小学生视力下降的主要原因是近视,做好近视防治工作,对控制中小学生视力不良有重要意义。

  【关键词】  中小学生;屈光不正;调查

      Investigation of refractive status of students in Nanjing urban area

     Li-Li Wang1,Yong Wu1,Li-Ping Yang1, Ren-Feng Xu1, Wan-Duo Chen2, Li-Xin Su3

     Foundation item: National Natural Science Foundation of China (No. 30670600)

     1Department of Ophthalmology, Nanjing General Hospital of Nanjing Military Command, PLA, Nanjing 210002, Jiangsu Province, China;2 Nanjing Neo-view eyeglasses company, Nanjing 210002, Jiangsu Province, China;3 The Nanjing Students'Hygiene House, Nanjing 210002, Jiangsu Province, China

     AbstractAIM: To investigate the students' visual acuity and refractive status and the correlation between them METHODS: Distant visual acuity was investigated among 12000 students in Nanjing area.7578 students with ametropia were enrolled as the subjects and the refractive status was determined by Cyclopedm retinoscopy.RESULTS: The rate of am etropia was 63.15%, varied significantly with different groups. The prevalence among female students was higher than that among males. The visual acuity reduced obviously with the grade being higher. Hypermetropia was the most common type of refractive error in primary students, while myopia was mainly in middle students. With the grade being higher, the prevalence of hypermetropia decreased while the prevalence of myopia increased. CONCLUSION: Myopia is the main cause of ametropia in students. Early management of myopia may play an important role in controlling students 'ametropia.

     · KEYWORDS: students; ametropia; investigate

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