【摘要】 目的 分析后房型人工晶体缝线固定术后视网膜脱离的临床特征。方法 观察后房型人工晶体缝线固定术后视网膜脱离14例14眼的患者背景、术中所见及术后观察。结果 患者术后视网膜脱离发生在20~204天(平均96.5天),初次手术6眼施行了巩膜环扎术,8眼玻璃体手术。经玻璃体手术者视网膜全部解剖复位,3眼巩膜外手术复位失败,后经玻璃体手术网膜复位。视网膜脱离发生的原因是睫状沟缝合时医源性裂孔3眼,前部玻璃体牵拉性网膜裂孔11眼。术后视力提高者5眼,不变者6眼,3眼视力下降。结论 后房型人工晶体缝线固定术后前部玻璃体的牵拉是视网膜脱离的主要原因,玻璃体手术是有效的。另外,由于血—眼屏障的破坏易发生前部增生性玻璃体病变,早期的玻璃体手术是重要的。
【关键词】 后房型人工晶体固定术;视网膜脱离
Cause analysis of retinal detachment following suture fixation of posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation QI Xiangyun,ZHANG Dexiu,WANG Runsheng. Department of Ophthalmology,The First Hospital, Xi’an Jiaotong University,Xi’an 710061,China 【Abstract】 Objective To report clinical characteristic on the retinal detachment following suture fixation of posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation.Methods We retrospectively reviewed the records of 14 patients (14 eyes),and analyzed background factors,intraoperative findings and surgical outcomes.Results Retinal detachment occurred from 20 to 204 days (mean 96.5 days) after suture fixation of posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation.Retinal detachment developed due to perforation of the retina by the fixation needle in 3 eyes,and due to formation of retinal tears with vitreous traction in 11 eyes.Primary vitrectomy was performed in 8 eyes and scleral buckling in 6 eyes.Retinal reattachment was achieved in all eyes that underwent vitrectomy,however both eyes that underwent scleral buckling developed proliferative vitrectomy postoperatively necessitating subsequent vitreous surgery.Postoperative visual acuities improved more than 5 eyes,remained unchanged in 6 eyes,and worsened more than 3 eyes.Conclusion Primary vitrectomy appeared to be effective in treating retinal detachment following suture fixation of posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation,because most of our cases were associated with strong vitreous traction.Such retinal detachments should be immediately treated due to the higher risk of developing proliferative vitreoretinopathy with breakdown of the blood-retinal barrier. 【Key words】 suture fixation of posterior chamber intraocular lens implantation;retinal detachment
1 资料与方法
1.1 一般资料 患者为2004年10月~2005年12月施行后房型人工晶体缝线固定术后视网膜脱离14例14眼,男10眼,女4眼,年龄28~76岁,平均54.2岁。进行后房型人工晶体缝线固定术的原因为外伤性晶体半脱位4眼,后囊破损4眼,老年性白内障超声乳化后囊破损5眼,白内障囊内摘除1眼。
1.2 方法 14例14眼患者后房型人工晶体缝线固定术后视网膜脱离患者的原因及治疗进行分析。
2 结果
2.1 后房型人工晶体缝线固定术后视网膜脱离原因 视网膜脱离发生时间最早为10天,最晚为204天,平均96.5天。4眼在术后1个月内出现视网膜脱离,10眼在1个月以后;术前散瞳不良9眼,人工晶体偏位4眼,晶体后囊色素沉着2眼。对于眼底窥视困难而施行后节手术联合人工晶体摘除6眼。根据术中所见,作为视网膜裂孔形成的原因,前部玻璃体牵拉性11眼,3眼在极周边裂孔周围存在脉络膜出血,可能是缝合术中缝合针对视网膜的直接损害。
2.2 视网膜脱离手术 对于视网膜脱离初次散瞳良好、眼底清晰的6眼采用巩膜环扎术,8眼玻璃体混浊、眼底不清者施行了玻璃体视网膜手术。前者3眼术后再次发生了视网膜脱离后改行玻璃体视网膜手术,最终13眼视网膜解剖复位,1眼眼球萎缩,手术前后视力变化,见表1。表1 手术前后视力变化
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