玻璃体切除术后晶体变化的临床分析 眼科 1998年第3期第8卷 临床研究 作者:魏文斌* 王景昭* 李冬梅* 高淑琴** 郁丽娟** 单位:*北京同仁医院眼科,100730;**进修医师 关键词:视网膜脱离/外科学;玻璃体切除术;视网膜脱离/病理学;晶体/病理学
摘 要 观察孔源性视网膜脱离的玻璃体切除术后晶体改变及相关因素间的关系。报告一组有晶体眼视网膜脱离手术、冷冻、巩膜扣带、注气(SF6或C3F8)联合玻璃体切除术68例72只眼及未联合玻璃体切除术46例47只眼。随访12个月以上,比较两组,玻璃体切除眼术后发生核硬化38.9%,非玻璃体切除眼仅5.6%,P<0.001。晶体后囊下混浊,玻璃体切除眼为34%,非玻璃体切除眼仅为4.2%,P<0.001。核硬化与玻璃体切除术有关,随观察时间延长发生率增加,后囊下混浊与玻璃体切除术和气体应用有关。
分类号 R774.130.5
Clinical analysis of lens changes after vitrectomy for retinal detachment/Wei wenbin...∥Ophthalmol CHN.-1998,7(3).-160~162(Dept.of ophthalmology,Tong Ren Hospital,Beijing100730)
In order to assess the relationship between vitrectomy and postoperative lens changes,a series of retinal detachment operations performed in eyes with lenses were reported. retinal detachment surgery,cryotherapy,scleral buckling,gas injection and vitrectomy were performed in68 patients(72 eyes),and all except vitrectomy performed in 46 patients(47 eyes).According to the follow-up of over 12 months after surgery,we found that the incidence of nuclear slerosis in the eyes after vitrectomy was38.9%,and only 5.6% in the other group;the incidence of posterior subcapsular opacities in the eyes after vitrectomy was 34%,and 4.2% in the eyes without accepting vitrectomy.Our results showed that nuclear sclerotic changes correlated with not only vitrectomy,but also the time after surgery;Posterior subcapsular opacities were related to vitrectomy and gas injection.
Subject terms retinal detachment/surg;Vitrectomy;Retinal detachment/pathol;Lens,crystalline/pathol
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