摘要 目的 评价闪烁增视法治疗弱视的疗效。方法 对3~10a双眼弱视儿童180人,单眼弱视儿童270人分别按弱视程度采用遮盖法、增视法、增视加遮盖法治疗并进行疗效比较。结果 3mo后,增视法治疗双眼弱视治愈率为轻度90%、中度70%.疗效高于遮盖法,差异有显著性(P<0.05)。增视加遮盖法治疗单眼弱视的治愈率为轻度97%、中度80%、重度57%,疗效明显高于遮盖法和增视法,有高度显著性差异(P<0.01),显示有明显的增效作用。结论 闪烁增视仪对不同类型弱视采用不同方法治疗具有疗效高、疗程短、患儿容易接受等特点,是一种简单、满意的治疗方法
Clinical study on amblyopia therapy with flicker pleoptics
LI Ju-Sheng ,L%26uuml; Zao-Lin, WU Yi-Long
From the Department of Ophthalmology,Yijishan Hospital,Wannan Medical College(LI Ju-Sheng,WU Yi-Long),Wuhu241001,China;Department of Ophthalmology,Shexian People's Hospital (L%26uuml; Zao-Lin)Anhui Province 245200,China
Abstract Objective To evaluate the effect of amblyopia therapy with flicker pleoptics.Methods Among 350 amblyopia children of 3~10 years,180 binocular and 270 monocular ones were treated respectively by occlusion、pleoptics or pleoptics plus occlusion method according to their condition,and the therapeutic efficacies were compared.Results Three months later, 90%of the light binocular amblyopia and 70% of the moderate ones was cured by pleoptics,which efficacy was higher than occlusion with a significant difference (P<0.05).The therapeutic efficacy for monocular amblyopia by using the pleoptics plus occlusion method was much higher than by using only pleoptics or occlusion, and the difference was highly significant (P<0.01). The cure rates of the light monocular amblyopias and the moderate and the serious ones were 97%,80% and 57% respectively.Conclusion The instrument of flicker pleoptics is simple and satisfectory in amblyopia therapy with many advantages such as high efficiency, short courses and easy acceptances by sick children, but the methods of the therapy should be different according to various kinds of amblyopias.
Key words flicker pleoptics;treatment;amblyopia
1 对象和方法
1.1 研究对象 1993年4月至1996年10月我院门诊收治的弱视儿童共450例。男207人,女243人。双眼弱视组共180人,年龄3~10a,平均5.5a,其中屈光不正性弱视142人(78.9%),斜视性弱视38人(21.1%)。单眼弱视组共270人,年龄3~10a,平均6a,其中斜视性弱视121人 (44.8%),屈光参差性弱视149人(55.2%)。儿童弱视的临床分度和临床分类根据儿童弱视防治技术服务规范[1]标准执行。
1.2 方法 (1)所有弱视儿童治疗前均进行眼部常规检查,排除器质性病变后用10g*L-1阿托品眼液散瞳验光。配戴眼镜1mo后根据弱视是单眼还是双眼分为单眼弱视组和双眼弱视组。再根据弱视程度分为轻度、中度和重度弱视。然后结合弱视儿童家长意愿和经济条件,随机各组以30人配为治疗分组,分别进行遮盖法、增视法、增视加遮盖法3种方法治疗。每0.5~1mo定期复查视力,连续治疗3mo后记录视力检测结果,整理并作统计学分析。(2)遮盖法:双眼弱视儿童,开始每眼交替遮盖2d,直至一眼视力矫正到0.9改为3∶1交替遮盖。单眼弱视儿童,轻度3∶1交替遮盖,中度5∶1,重度2∶1;增视法:使用西安华亚电子公司研制的SZS-2型或19型增视明目仪,治疗时手持治疗镜紧贴于眼前,两眼专注红光视标,每次15min;增视加遮盖法:以上两法合用。
1.3 疗效标准 根据中华眼科学会全国儿童弱视斜视防治学组1996年4月通过的标准,本文随机收治的弱视儿童严格按规定治疗方法连续治疗3mo后矫正视力提高到0.9或以上为基本治愈。以治愈人数的百分比进行疗效比较。
2 结果
表1 3种弱视治疗法疗效比较
Table 1 Effect comparison of occlusion、pleoptics or pleoptics plus occlusion method
Binocular amblyopia |
Monocular amblyopia |
Light(%) |
Moderate(%) |
Light(%) |
Moderate(%) |
Serious(%) |
Occlusion method |
18(60) |
12(40) |
17(57) |
12(40) |
4(13) |
Pleoptics method |
27(90) |
21(70) |
16(53) |
8(27) |
2(7) |
Pleoptics plus occlusion method |
30(100) |
27(90) |
29(97) |
24(80) |
17(57) |
[1] [2] 下一页 |