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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-10-29 16:04:08 中华眼科在线

  摘要 目的 确立前房和玻璃体腔接种可溶性抗原后,其抗原释放和局部存留的模式。方法 分别将99mTc和125I标记的人血清白蛋白接种于兔眼前房和玻璃体腔。使用SPECT和放射免疫测定技术检测标记抗原在眼内腔短期和长期的存留和释放模式。结果 接种于眼内腔的99mTc标记抗原,在短时间内部分进入血流,大部分存留于眼内腔。接种于前房的125I标记抗原在7~11天后外周血达到高峰,34~36天消失。接种于玻璃体腔的125I标记抗原在17~24天后达到高峰,60~65天消失。结论 眼内腔对抗原的储集及其缓慢的释放模式,为眼免疫偏离的诱导提供了必要的条件。

The patterns of antigen release and local retention following intraocular

  compartment inoculation of soluble antigenPeng

Guanghua Li Zhijie Li Chen

  (Research Section of Ophthalmology,Institute of Tissue Transplantation %26

  Immunology,Jinan University,Guangzhou 510632)

  Abstract ObjectiveSoluble antigens suc h as bovine serum albumin (BSA) injected into the intraocular compartments evoke a deviant systemic immune response characterized by a selective deficiency of delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH).It has been known that the deviant immunity which follows intraocular inoculation is related to the uniqueness of the route of antigen administration.The purpose of this study is to observe the kinetics of antigen retention and release following inoculations of99mtechnetium(99mTc) and 125iodine(125I)labele d human serum albumin (HSA) into the anterior chamber and the vitreous cavity.Methods99mTc and 125I-labeled HAS as soluble antigen was inoculated into the anterior chamber and vitreous cavity of rabbits,respectively.Local and systemic metabolic pathways of 99mTc-labeled HSA were topographically imaged within 48h by using single photon emission computed tomoscopy (SPECT)technique.After intraocular inoculation of 125I-labeled HSA,labeled antigen from peripheral blood was dynamically analyzed for 70 d by radioimmunoassay.ResultsAfter the inoculation of 99mTc labeled antigen into anterior chamber or vitreous cavity,part of labeled antigen was released into the blood stream in a short time,but most of it retained in intraocular compartments.When 125I-labeled antigen was injected into anterior chamber,labeled antigen in peripheral blood reached its peak between 7~11d and disappeared after 34~36 d. When 125I-labeled antigen was injected into vitreous cavity,labeled antigen in peripheral blood reached its peak between 17~24d and disappeared after 60~65d.ConclusionsIntraocular compartments function as antigen depots.Both the slow release of antigen from intraocular compartments into the blood stream and the unique microenvironment of intraocular compartments contribute to the induction of ocular immune deviation.

  Key words anterior chamber vitreous cavity immune deviation antigen metabolism

  眼内腔对于接种抗原可以产生不同于经典模式的免疫反应,主要表现为抗原特异性迟发型超敏反应(delayed-type hypersensitivity,DTH)缺陷,但却保留了补体结合性抗体反应和细胞毒T细胞反应,这种偏离式免疫反应称为前房相关免疫偏离(anterior chamber-associated immune deviation,ACAID)。长期认为该现象与抗原接种部位的独特性有关。眼内腔无淋巴管引流,其接种抗原与免疫系统发生隔离[1,2]。目前,有关抗原在眼内腔的释放和存留方式尚不清楚。本实验借助放射性同位素标记示踪技术对眼内腔接种抗原的短期和长期存留及其释放模式进行了观察,旨在为阐明眼的免疫赦免机制提供理论根据。

  1 材料与方法

  1.1主要试剂 (1)锝[99mTc]双半胱乙酯(technetium[99mTc],L-ethylcysteinate dimer,99mTc-ECD)标记人血清白蛋白(human serum albumin,HSA)的配套药盒,由中国原子能研究院提供,使用时检测标记率>98%;(2)125I标记HSA,由中国原子能研究院提供,标记率79.6%,放化纯为98.6%,比度为1.1μci/μg;(3)HSA放射免疫测定试剂盒,由天津九鼎医学生物工程有限公司提供,使用试剂盒的标准样品,按其提供的实验程序制作标准曲线。

  1.2 主要仪器 (1)单光子发射型计算机断层显像(single photon emission computed tomoscopy,SPECT)仪:APEX-HELIX型双探头,采用低能高分辨准直器,配备高性能计算机处理后台。矩阵为128mm×128mm和256mm×256mm(Elscint公司);(2)γ计数仪:1260-Multigamma Counter LKB,瑞典。

  1.3 实验动物分组 健康纯系新西兰白兔,雄性,2.5kg±0.2kg,16只。随机分组:(1)99mTc-ECD标记抗原前房接种组(2只);(2)99mTc-ECD标记抗原玻璃体腔接种组(2只);(3)125I标记抗原前房接种组(5只);(4)125I标记抗原玻璃体腔接种组(7只)。

  1.4 前房和玻璃体腔标记蛋白抗原接种 氯胺酮(25mg/kg体重)和氯丙嗪(25mg/kg体重)混合肌注诱导全身麻醉,0.5%地卡因滴眼液表面麻醉,使用微量注射系统,在左眼颞上象限角膜缘内1mm处行前房穿刺,抽出房水100μl。对于前房接种组,再循原穿刺针孔在前房接种99mTc-ECD标记HSA溶液100μl(7~8mCi)或125I标记HSA溶液100μl。对于玻璃体腔接种组,预先前房穿刺抽取房水100μl,然后在角膜缘后4mm刺入玻璃体腔接种99mTc-ECD标记HSA溶液100μl(7~8mCi)或125I标记HSA溶液100μl。

  1.5 SPECT断层显像 为了进行可视性观察短期抗原释放和存留模式,使用99mTc-ECD标记的HSA作为示踪物。在前房或玻璃体腔接种标记蛋白抗原,分别于接种后即刻,1,3,5,9,24,48h,对接种眼和全身进行断层显像,并进行图像采集。将采集的信息输入高性能计算机,由SPECT专业图像软件进行自动处理并输出图像。

  1.6 血清的制备 在前房和玻璃体腔接种125I标记蛋白抗原后,每24h耳缘静脉抽取抗凝血2ml,室温静置30min,37℃水浴箱30min,2000r/min离心10min,提取血清,供放射免疫测定。

  1.7 放射免疫测定 按照试剂盒说明,对上述血清样品进行测定。简言之,按获取每只动物血清样本的时间顺序依次排列,每个样品均取100μl,分别加一抗100μl,37℃水浴1.5h,在每一个样品中再加入二抗500μl,3000r/min×15min冷冻离心沉淀,弃上清。γ计数仪检测出每一个样品中所含标记蛋白的cpm值。并按每一个时间点,计算出每个实验组所有动物该时间点的放射活性均数,按时间顺序绘制出动态曲线。

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(来源:眼科研究 2000年第1期第18卷)(责编:duzhanhui)

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