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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-11-20 13:50:28 中华眼科在线

  3 讨论

  近年来近视之药物治疗徘徊不前,仅有的有效药物阿托品[覃毒硷(muscarine)对抗药]也是在临床研究中发现能防止近视之进行。动物实验中发现了很多种视网膜制造的生长因子(bFGF、HGF、TGF-β)、激素[褪黑激素(melatonin)、5-羟色胺(serotonin)、vasoactive intestine polypeptide(VIP)]和神经递质[覃毒硷、多巴胺(dopamine)]均能促进或抑止近视之发生[2~4]。按理说这些发现必将促进近视的药物治疗发展。但迄今为止,此类物质或其对抗药物均未能用于近视之药物治疗,原因何在值得探讨。




表2 近视信使的受体在色素上皮—脉络膜细胞中存在的情况

  Tab.2 The presence of receptors of retina-originated messengers related to

  myopia in the cells located in the RPE-choroid

  RPE Melanocytes Fibroblasts
Dopamine(Ref.26) + ? ?
Melatonin(Ref.11,27) + + ?
Serotonin(Ref.28) + ? ?
bFGF + + +
HGF + + -
TGFβ + + +
Muscarine(Ref.10) ? + ?
VIP(Ref.29) + ? ?
Nitric Oxide(Ref.1)* + + ?

  *It has been demonstrated that melanin in the cultured RPE and melanocytes can reduce the amount of exogenous nitric oxide in the culture medium

图2 视网膜产生的信使阻止位于色素上皮一脉络膜的各类细胞,


  Fig.2 Retina-originated messengers bind to various cell types located in the

  RPE-choroid,so that they cannot enter the sclera to express they effects.

  Their effects are blocked or reduced.

图3 视网膜产生的信使激发色素上皮-脉络膜上的各类细胞释


  Fig.3 Retina-oringinated messengers stimulate various cell types located in the

  RPE-choroid to release other messengers to affect the sclera

  and play a role in the occurrence of myopia.


  基金项目:Supported by the New York Eye and Ear Infirmary Departments of Ophthalmology and Pathology Research Funds。



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