【关键词】 青光眼;小梁切除术;浅前房
Causes of shallow anterior chamber after glaucoma trabeculectomy
XuGuang Xia, HuiCan Peng, Jie Yang, Zheng Yin
Department of Ophthalmology, the Affiliated Nanhua Hospital of Nanhua College, Hengyang 421002, Hunan Province, China
Abstract AIM: To investigate the causes and treatment of shallow anterior chamber after glaucoma trabeculectomy. METHODS: The ratio and management of 182 cases (308 eyes) with shallow anterior chamber after glaucoma trabeculectomy were analyzed. RESULTS: Of 308 eyes, 42 eyes (13.6%) appeared shallow anterior chamber after glaucoma trabeculectomy, in which 21 eyes were with excessive fitration, 17 eyes with choroidal detachment, 2 eyes with filter bleb leaks, and 2 eyes with malignant glaucoma. Thirtythree eyes (78.6%) underwent conservative treatment, 7 eyes by anterior chamber reconstruction, 1 eye by conjunctival flap repairing, and 1eye by lens extraction and vitreous aspiration. CONCLUSION: The results show that the ratio of shallow anterior chamber after glaucoma trabeculectomy is high and the main causes are excessive fitration and choroidal detachment. Most of shallow anterior chamber can be treated by nonoperative treatment and get good effects in reconstruction of anterior chamber KEYWORDS: glaucoma; trabeculectomy; shallow anterior chamber
0引言 小梁切除术后浅前房是手术中常见近期并发症,如不及时处理会导致角膜内皮损虹膜粘连、白内障、恶性青光眼等严重后果。本文对小梁切除术后浅前房原因作回顾性分析和探讨,正确处理浅前房的时机和方法,以提高小梁切除术手术的成功率。
1.1对象 选择2003/2007于我科住院行小梁切除术手术的患者182例308眼,其中男77例,女105例,年龄57.2±10.3岁,其中急性闭角性青光眼188眼,慢性闭角型青光眼72眼,开角型青光眼36眼,继发性青光眼12眼。
1.2方法 所有患者均在基本控制眼压的情况下行小梁切除术手术,对术前药物控制眼压未恢复至正常的4例高眼压患者均在术前先行前房穿刺术后眼压下降再行小梁切除术,术后每天常规作裂隙灯检查,浅前房术眼做Seidel荧光素试验、眼底检查,必要时做眼部B超。按Spaeth[1]分类:(1)浅Ⅰ度:中央前方形成,周边虹膜与角膜内皮相接触;(2)浅Ⅱ度:除瞳孔区的晶状体前囊未与角膜接触外,其余整个虹膜面均与角膜内皮接触;(3)浅Ⅲ度:前房消失,整个虹膜面及晶状体前囊均与角膜内皮相接触。
2结果 本组病例中浅前房为38例42眼,发生率13.6%。发生浅前房的原因包括引流过畅21眼,占50.0%,脉络膜脱离17眼,占40.5%,结膜瓣漏2眼,占4.8%。恶性青光眼2眼,占4.76%。其中33眼通过加压包扎,充分散瞳,局部或全身应用糖皮质激素处理后,前房重新形成,1眼术后4d前房又消失,补缝巩膜瓣2针后前房形成。有7眼保守治疗4~5d后,前房仍未出现恢复趋势,其中6眼行前房内注入玻璃酸钠后恢复,另1眼脉络膜上腔积液较多,行排液术合并前方注入玻璃酸钠,术后1d前房即形成,1眼行晶状体摘除术,术后1mo眼压15±2mmHg。
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