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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-2-5 9:24:55 中华眼科在线

眼科 1999年第1期第8卷 临床研究

作者:徐 亮 R.Mills 陈瑛瑛

单位:徐 亮(北京市眼科研究所,100730),R.Mills陈瑛瑛(美国华盛顿大学医院眼科)


  摘 要 目的:视神经纤维分析仪(NFA)测量的偏振延迟图以双峰曲线为特征,此双峰是早期青光眼的易损区。分析双峰曲线的形态及其在正常组的变异,与青光眼的分离情况,筛选出可靠、有效的诊断参数。方法:病人源于美国华盛顿大学眼科门诊,青光眼病人92例143只眼,正常对照组83例83只眼。本研究有三类参数,(1)总值参数,即各象限总和值;(2)比值参数,即上或下象限与鼻象限的比值;(3)调制参数,由原始数据计算。首先求基线,即鼻、颞象限最低点的平均值。上或下象限调制峰值=上或下象限最高点-基线;上或下象限调制总值=上或下象限总值-基线下总值。结果:正常组及各期青光眼组的平均延迟曲线的特征是,基线部分在各组变化不明显,双峰依青光眼程度的加重而降低。早期青光眼组与正常组之间的延迟平均差比值:总值参数及比值参数为13%~16%,调制参数为27%~33%。结论:利用调制参数可明显地提高NFA对早期青光眼诊断的敏感性及特异性。

  分类号 R775.1

  Modulation parameters for polarimetric retardation discriminate betweennormal and glaucoma patients /Xu Liang…∥Ophthalmol CHN.-1999.8(1).-20~23,28 (Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology,Beijing 100730)

  Circumpapillary polarimetric retardation values were characterized graphically by a double hump pattern,with peaks corresponding to the superior and inferior arcuate bundle.We wished to determine if analysis of the maximum retardation values could resultin good separation of normal and glaucomatous patients.Using the Nerve Fiber Analyzer Ⅱ(LDT,Inc.),83 eyes of 83 normal subjects and 143 eyes of 92 glaucoma patients in various stages of disease were evaluated.Modulation parameters of NFA (Mod-sup or Mod-inf) were defined as the maximum(peak) retardation among the superior or inferior 10 degree sections minus the average of minimums(trough) with in the nasal and temporal sections.Other parameters included the integral of retardation va-lues in the superior (Int-su

  p)and inferior quadrant(Int-inf),ratio of superior or inferior integral overnasal integral(Rat-sup or Rat-Inf).The features of the mean retardation curve in the various glaucoma and control groups included:There were no significant differences in the baselines among all those groups.The peaks of the double hump significantly decreased when glaucoma was advancing.Comparing the early glaucoma and the control group,there were 13%~16%differences in the integral and ratial parameters,and 27%~33% differences in the modulation parameters.According discrimination analysis,the Wilks valueof modulation parameters were much smaller than those of integral and ratial parameters.Our result showed that the modulation parameterscould significantly increase the sensitiity and specificity of NFA in early diagnosis of glaucoma.

  Subject terms Glaucoma/diagnosis;Optic nerve;Neural analyzers

  视神经纤维分析仪(nerve fiber analyzer,NFA)也称扫描激光偏振仪(scanning laser polarimetry)是一种新的检查、监测青光眼视神经损害的仪器。此仪器利用相互垂直的两束偏振激光扫描视网膜神经纤维层(RNFL),平行于RNFL排列的光反射比垂直于RNFL的光反射快,两者的时间差称为偏振延迟值,因而测量RNFL的偏振延迟值可反映RNFL的厚度。NFA可快速、客观地定量检测视盘周围的RNFL的厚度,其测量值有很好的重复性。 Weinreb等[1]最早对此仪器进行研究,他对正常人的检测中得出以下符合正常RNFL分布特性的结论:(1)视盘上下极的偏振延迟值最大;(2)血管处RNFL的偏振延迟值小,由于血管占据部分RNFL的位置;(3)越远离视盘,RNFL偏振延迟值越小;(4)随着年龄增大,偏振延迟值变小。对正常眼与青光眼进行比较,发现青光眼偏振延迟值的减小有明显差异。但是两组均数的差异比值仅13%。正如其他青光眼视神经检查仪,其参数值在正常组有较大的离散,而正常组与青光眼组之间有较大的重叠,故难以成为临床诊断的可靠工具。


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(来源:眼科 1999年第1期第8卷)(责编:zhanghui)

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