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Clinical features of Behcet’s disease in Chinese patients

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-3-11 15:19:22 中华眼科在线

Peizeng Yang, Wang Fang, Bing Li, Yalin Ren, Xiangkun Huang, Hongyan Zhou, Li Wang
Zhongshan Ophthalmic Center, Uveitis Study Center, Sun Yat-sen University, Key Laboratory of Ophthalmology, P.R. China.

Purpose: To characterize the clinical features of Behcet’s disease in Chinese patients.
Methods: A retrospective study was performed based on the charts of 437 patients with Behcet’s disease referred to the uveitis study center of Zhongshan ophthalmic center from August 1995 to June, 2006. The history and clinical findings of all patients were reviewed. Laser flare-cell photometry (LFCM), fundus fluorescein angiography (FFA), indocyanine green angiography (ICGA), optical coherence tomography (OCT), ultrasound biomicroscopy (UBM) and B-scan ultrasonography were performed in certain cases. Most patients were treated by corticosteroid combined with immunosuppressive agent(s).
Results: There were 437 patients diagnosed as Behcet disease. Pan-uveitis was the most common type of uveitis in both sexes although anterior uveitis was more frequently seen in female patients. Retinal vasculitis, vitritis and retinitis were the most common features in these patients. Cataract and macular edema were the most common complications. The results of FFA, ICGA, OCT, B-scan ultrasonography, LFCM and UBM were in accordance or comparable with clinical observations. At the final visit, uveitis in most patients was well controlled. However, a few of patients became legally blind despite of aggressive treatment.
Conclusion: Behcet disease in Chinese patients is characterized by non-granulomatous pan-uveitis, typically showing retinal vasculitis with recurrent episodes.  Complications mostly occurred in the patients with longstanding uveitis. Complicated cataract is the most common complication, followed by macular edema, secondary ocular hypertension. Corticosteroids alone are not sufficient to prevent the frequently recurrent attacks of uveitis, whereas a combination of corticosteroid with immunosuppressive agents is effective in the treatment of intraocular inflammation in Behcet’s disease.



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