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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-3-23 9:00:09 中华眼科在线


    Epithelial-flap abnormality of LASEK.QIAO Bao—di,77E Bi—ao,CHEN Peng.Department t t)p}lthalmolog3 the Second Peotdes Hospital D厂Zhengzhou,Zhengzhou,Henan 450000,ChinaAbstract:Objective To analyze types and factors of eltithe—lial—flap abnormality of laser subepithe1 ial keratomileusis(LASEK),and to study preventions aad treatments.Methods320 eyes of 161 cases of LASEK were involved in the study.Afect—ing tactors related to epithclial—flap abnortnality occurring duringand after the operation were investigated.Visual acuity,irritatingsymptoms and corneal haze were observed postoperatively. ResultsAbnormal epithelial—flaps ineluding flaP defect,fragments andfree flap were observed in 2 1 eyes during surgexy.Postoperative epi—thelial—flap abnormality included flap fold,deferred epithelial heal—ing,and loss of contact lens or epithelial—flap. Conclusion

    LASEK is a safe and ef1)ctive operation,but perfect epithelial,flapis the base of superlority of LASEK.To ensure Success of LASEK,it is nece.ssary to have operationfine epithelial—flaps,prevent andf]ap 『)roperly.skills at one,s finger ends,keephandle abnormality of epithelial—Key words: laser subepithelial keratomileusis (LASEK);epithe]ial flap;a}mormality


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