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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-4-14 16:27:52 中华眼科在线

   【摘要】目的:观察精氨酸-谷氨酰胺(ArgGln)对早产儿视网膜病变动物模型视网膜新生血管的抑制作用。方法: 48只7日龄的C57BL/6J新生鼠暴露在750mL/L高氧环境中5d,然后回到正常空气中建立早产儿视网膜病变的动物模型。在鼠龄12d时实验组(36只)新生鼠每天两次腹腔注射ArgGln(剂量分别为1.0, 3.0, 5.0g/kg,每组12只),连续注射5d;对照组(12只)每天两次腹腔注射PBS,连续5d。所有小鼠均于17d处死,视网膜铺片,ADP酶染色观察视网膜血管情况。HE染色,在光学显微镜下观察并计数突破视网膜内界膜的血管内皮细胞细胞核数目。Realtime RTPCR方法测量每组视网膜VEGF mRNA水平。结果:与对照组相比, 实验组以剂量依赖方式无灌注区面积和新生血管团逐渐减少;实验组中最大剂量组[5.0g/(kg·d)]突破内界膜的内皮细胞细胞核数目比对照组大约减少75% (P<0.01);实验组视网膜VEGF mRNA水平与对照组相比明显下降。结论:ArgGln能够有效抑制早产儿视网膜病变动物模型视网膜新生血管的生成,可能为临床提供一种预防和治疗早产儿视网膜病变安全有效的新方法。

   【关键词】  视网膜新生血管;精氨酸谷氨酰胺;早产儿视网膜病变;氧诱导视网膜病变


  AIM: To investigate the effect of the dipeptide ArgGln on retinal neovascularization of retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) in the oxygeninduced retinopathy(OIR) animal model.METHODS: Fortyeight 7dayold C57BL/6J mice were exposed to 750mL/L oxygen for 5 days and then to normal situation to produce the murine model of oxygeninduced retinopathy(OIR). All mice received twice daily intraperitoneal injections of PBS or the dipeptide ArgGln(1.0, 3.0, 5.0g/kg per day), starting on postnatal day 12 and continuing till postnatal day 17. Experimental groups (36 mice, 12 in each group) received ArgGln, while the control group (12 mice) received PBS. All mice were executed at postnatal day 17. The changes of retinal vessels of mice were observed by ADPase histochemical technique and HE staining was used to count preretinal neovascular nuclei. RNA was isolated from retinas of 28 mice (7 in each group) selected at random and VEGF mRNA level of each group was measured by realtime RTPCR.RESULTS: Neovascularization reduced in retinas of the dipeptide ArgGln treated group in a dosedependent manner. Compared with control group, experimental group had diminished nonperfusion area and neovascular tufts in retinal flatmount. The number of the endotheliocyte nuclei of new vessels extending from retina to vitreous was significantly less in the eyes of the experimental group than in control group. ArgGln at 5g/kg per day reduced preretinal neovascularization by about 75%(P<0.01). There was a significant reduction in VEGF mRNA at the 17th day in ArgGln treated group compared with control group(P<0.01).CONCLUSION: ArgGln dramatically inhibits retinal angiogenesis in OIR and this effect is associated with a reduction in retinal VEGF mRNA level. It appears to be a safe way to prevent and treat some neovascular retinal diseases including retinopathy of prematurity.

  KEYWORDS: retinal neovascularization; arginineglutamine; retinopathy of prematurity; oxygeninduced retinopathy


  With improved survival of very lowbirthweight infants in China, retinopathy of prematurity (ROP) is emerging as a significant problem which is the major cause of blindness in children at present[1]. The common pathologic features of ROP is ischemiainduced retinal neovascularization. These changes lead to hemorrhage, tissue damage, and retinal scarring, which ultimately lead to vision loss and blindness. At present, retinal laser photocoagulation and cryotherapy appear to be the most effective treatment for retinal neovascularization[2,3]. However, these procedures can destroy postmitotic retinal neurons and permanently affect visual function. It is important to find safe preventive measures or early intervention modalities of treatment for ROP. In this study, we examined the effect of ArgGln on animal models of ROP.

  Mouse Model of Oxygeninduced Retinopathy  Mouse model of oxygeninduced retinopathy(OIR) was produced in C57BL/6J mice by a method described by Smith et al[4]. Fortyeight sevendayold(postnatal day 7)mice and their mothers were placed in an airtight incubator and exposed to an atmosphere of (750±50)mL/L oxygen for 5 days. incubator temperature was maintained at (23±2)℃. Then they were returned to room air at postnatal day 12. At the twelfth day 36 mice in experimental group received twice daily intraperitoneal injections of the dipeptide ArgGln(1.0, 3.0, 5.0g/kg per day, each group consists of 12 mice), starting on postnatal day 12 and continuing through till postnatal day 17, and 12 mice in control group received twice daily intraperitoneal injections of PBS at the same time.

  Observation of Retinal Neovascularization by ADPase Histochemical Technique  On the 17th day, 8 mice(2 mice in each group) were anesthetized with either an intramuscular injection of ketamine (80mg/kg) and xylazine (15mg/kg).To evaluate vessel morphology, all eyes were removed and fixed with 40g/L paraformaldehyde in phosphatebuffered saline overnight. The cornea, lens, and vitreous were surgically removed and retinas were dissected. Retinas were processed for magnesiumactivated adenosine diphosphatase (ADPase) staining as previously described by Lutty and McLeod[5]. ADPasestained retinas were flatmounted on microscope slides with gelatincoated cover slips. The vasculature was then examined under microscopy.

  Quantification of Retinal Neovascularization  On the 17th day, 12 mice (3 mice in each group) were sacrificed and the eyes were enucleated, immersed in 40g/L paraformaldehyde in PBS for at least 24 hours, and embedded in paraffin. Serial 6μm sections from whole eyes were cut sagittally parallel to the optic nerve and stained with hematoxylin and eosin according to a standard protocol. The extent of neovascularization was determined by counting neovascular cell nuclei extending through the internal limiting membrane into the vitreous. All counting was done based on a masked protocol. For each eye, 10 intact sections of equal length, each 30μm apart, were evaluated. The mean number of neovascular nuclei per section per eye was then determined.
VEGF mRNA Detected by RTPCR  On the 17th day, 28 mice (7 mice in each group) were sacrificed and retinas were then dissected from the eye. Total RNA was isolated from mouse retina (TRIzol reagent; Invitrogen) according to the manufacturers protocol. The cDNA was synthesized by using 2μg of total RNA and reverse transcription reagents (DRR037,TakaRa) in a 50μL RT reaction. Realtime PCR analysis was applied with 1μL cDNA per reaction(SYBR PrimeScript RTPCR kit DRR041,TakaRa). At the end of the PCR cycle, a dissociation curve was generated to ensure the amplification of a single product, and the threshold cycle time (Ct) for each gene was determined. Relative mRNA levels were calculated based on the Ct and normalized to βactin. The level of VEGF mRNA determined for the injection of PBS was set to 100%. These experiments were performed using the mouse VEGF primer pair and the primer pair (D3751βactin internal standards,TakaRA).
Statistical Analysis  All data were represented as the mean±SD. ANOVA was used to evaluate differences among groups. P<0.05 was considered significant.


  ADPase Histochemical Technique in Retinal Flatmounts  The pattern of vascular development and neovascularization was seen readily in retinal flatmounts by ADPase histochemical technique. The retinal vascular patterns in the mice of control group were characterized by the neovascular tufts and avascular area,a typical pattern of pathological retinalneovascularization. The retinal vessels from the ArgGlntreated mice had reduced avascular area and neovascular tufts in a dosedependent manner compared with control group (Figure 1).

  Tissue Slice of HE Staining  Five days of treatment of mice with various doses of ArgGln (1.0, 3.0, and 5.0g/kg per day) resulted in a significant reduction in preretinal nuclei. At the highest dose tested, there was an about 75% reduction. All dipeptidetreated samples showed significant decreases in preretinal nuclei compared with control group(P<0.01) (Figure 2).

  Effect of ArgGln Administration on VEGF mRNA in OIR Mice  There was a significant reduction in VEGF mRNA at the 17th day in ArgGln treated group in a dosedependent manner compared with control group (P<0.01). At the dose of 5.0g/kg per day, there was about 68% reduction in the level of VEGF mRNA (Figure 3).

[1] [2] 下一页


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