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Influence of IL-4 on the animal models of TAO

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-4-29 10:18:45 中华眼科在线

  眼科病理             1789                                      AB1082

  Influence of IL-4 on the animal models of TAO

  Lv Hong-Bin, Luo Qing-Li, He Wei-ming, Yang Yu-li

  610041 Department of Ophthalmology, West China Hospital of Sichuan University

  Objective: To investigate the effect of IL-4 on the ophthalmopathy of TAO model animal.

  Methods: 1 week after immunized with TSHR actived splenocytes, BALB/c mice were injected into abdominal cavity with IL-4.The mice were sacrificed after 4 or 8 weeks, blood samples were collected from heart for mearuring total serum T4 and TRAb by ELISA assay. Removed all the thyroid glands and orbital tissues of all mice for histopathological examination and Th1/Th2 response were detected in orbital tissues by immuno- histochemical method.

  Results: 4 weeks after injection with IL-4, the serum T4 level of the experimental group increased compared to the controls, among which the serum T4 level of injection with IL-4 increased most. Serum TRAb level of the group immunized with splenocytes increased compared to the controls, however, Serum TRAb level of the group injection with IL-4 obviously decreased compared to the group immunized with splenocytes. Serum TRAb level of all the experimental groups decreased at different degrees compared to the controls. At 4 wk, orbital lymphocytic infiltration of IL-4 treatment were Th2 response, while that of splenocytic group were Th1 response; at 8 wk, orbital lymphocytic infiltration of IL-4 treatment were Th2 response,  while that of splenocytic group were Th2 response.

  Conclusion: Th1/Th2 immune response equilibrium have important effect  on TAO’s occurrence and  development. After treatment TAO animal model with extrogenous Th2 cytokine IL-4,Th1/Th2 immune response equilibrium deviates to Th2 immune response. Therefore, IL-4 can influence the immune response type in TAO’s orbital tissues through influencing Th1/Th2 immune response equilibrium. 



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