防盲及流行病 2046 PO0083
Prevalence of Age-Related Maculopathy in the Adult Population in China. The Beijing Eye Study
Yibin Li, Liang Xu, Jost B. Jonas, Hua Yang, Yingnan Ma and Jianjun Li
Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology, Beijing Tongren Eye Center 100005
Objective. To evaluate the prevalence of age-related maculopathy (ARM) in adult Chinese living in rural or urban regions of mainland China.
Methods. The study included 4439 subjects (age 40+ years) out of 5324 subjects invited to participate (response rate 83.4%). It was held in rural and urban regions of Greater Beijing. The participants underwent a detailed ophthalmic examination including fundus photography. All fundus photographs were graded using the Wisconsin Age-Related Maculopathy Grading system.
Results. Fundus photographs were available for 4376 (98.6%) subjects. Early ARM was present in 122/8655 (1.4%; 95% confidence interval (CI): 1.16%, 1.66%) eyes or 63 / 4376 (1.4%; 95CI: 1.09%, 1.79%) subjects, late ARM in 12 / 8655 (0.14%; 95%CI:0.06%, 0.22%) eyes or 7/4376 (0.2%; 95CI:0.04%, 0.28%) subjects, and exudative ARM as part of late ARM in 7 / 8655 (0.1%; 95%CI:0.02%, 0.14%) eyes or 6/4376 (0.1%; 95CI:0.03%, 0.25%) subjects. The prevalence of early ARM, late ARM, and exudative ARM, respectively, increased from 0.61%, 0.07% and 0.07%, respectively, in the 40- to 44-year age group, to 1.66%, 0.26%, and 0.26%, respectively, in the 55- to 59-years old group, and to 2.99%, 0.90% and 0.60%, respectively, in the group aged 75 years and older. ARM was causative for visual impairment (best corrected visual acuity in the better eye: < 20/60 and ≥ 20/400) or blindness (visual acuity < 20/400) in 1 (0.023%) subject.
Conclusions. Visual impairment due to age-related maculopathy was relatively uncommon in the adult Chinese population in rural and urban regions.
声明:本站独家报道,转载须标明来源“中华眼科在线” |