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Prolongation of corneal allograft survival by ...

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-5-30 22:01:57 中华眼科在线

  角膜结膜及泪器病             2008                                      PO0296

  Prolongation of corneal allograft survival by topical application of Everolimus in a rat model

  Li XQ, Büch G, Otasevic L, Schlickeiser S, Bertelmann E, Pleyer U.

  Department of Ophthalmology, Union Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, wuhan, China

  Background. Everolimus is a novel proliferation signal inhibitor with potent immunosuppressant effects that holds promise to prevent acute allograft rejection. Commonly, topical application of immune modulatory agents is preferred to its systemic use to reduce side effects of the drug.

  Purpose. Here we evaluated the efficacy of topical administration of Everolimus on experimental corneal grafts.

  Methods. A total of 16 female Lewis rats received 3.5 mm MHC I/II incompatible corneal grafts of DA donors. Recipients were randomly assigned   to   receive  either,  0.05% Everolimus in a microemulsion formulation (1) or  the drug vehicle (2) as control. All treatments were started at the day of surgery and applied five times daily for 35 days. Grafts were graded every day and a rejection score was generated  based on cornea clarity and oedema.
Results. Local administration of Everolimus was effective in prolonging the mean survival time of corneal grafts (MST 21 +/- 7.4 days) as compared to vehicle control group (13.3+/- 1.7 days; p=0.013).

  Conclusions. These data indicate that topically applied Everolimus significantly prolonged the corneal allograft survival in an experimental keratoplasty model.
(Supported in part by DFG Pl 150-14/2)



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