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Misdiagnose Analysis of Cranial Venous Sinus Thrombosis in Ophthalmology Department

http://www.cnophol.com 2009-6-8 10:41:57 中华眼科在线

WANG Da-jiang  FANG Bo-yan  WEI Shi-hui

Department of Ophthalmology, General Hospital of PLA, Beijing  China100853

Objective: To analyze the misdiagnosed causes of cranial venous sinus thrombosis in ophthalmologic clinical practice. Methods: The clinical data and misdiagnosed information of 21 patients with cranial venous sinus thrombosis were analyzed retrospectively. Results: The initial clinical manifestations in this series mainly included headache in 4 cases, blurred vision in 6 cases, headache companied with blurred vision in 4 cases, transient black dim in 2 cases, vision descent in 3 cases, dysmorphopsia in 1 case and shadow float front of eyes in 1 case. Ocular fundus examination of the 21 cases all showed papilloedema. Among the 21 cases, 8 were misdiagnosed as papillitis, 3 were misdiagnosed as optic disc vasculitis, 2 were misdiagnosed as neuroretinitis, 2 were misdiagnosed as ametropia/amblyopia, 1 was misdiagnosed as ischemic optic neuropathy and 1 was misdiagnosed as drusen of the optic disc, 4 cases only diagnosed as papilloedema. Conclusions: The main misdiagnosed cause of cranial venous sinus thrombosis in ophthalmologic clinical practice is that some ophthalmologists lack profound understanding on the clinical features of the disease and fail to make overall interrogation or examination for the patients.





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