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http://www.cnophol.com 2009-7-6 10:22:01 中华眼科在线



  图1 视网膜色素上皮反应前期(0期)。视网膜色素上皮完整(箭) HE×400 图2 视网膜色素上皮反应期(Ⅰa期)。肿瘤细胞(RB)与玻璃膜直接接触,该处的视网膜色素上皮消失。玻璃膜完整(箭) PAS×400 图3 视网膜色素上皮反应期(Ⅰb期)。视网膜色素上皮(RPE)显示反应性变化,与玻璃膜脱离并隆起,肿瘤细胞位于其间,形成“夹层现象”。玻璃膜完整(箭) PAS×200 Fig.1 Prereactive phase of retinal pigment epithelium (phase 0).Retinal pigment epithelium was intact(arrow) HE×400 Fig.2 Reactive phase of retinal pigment epithelium(phase Ⅰa).The tumor cells(RB)had direct contact with Bruchs membrane,and retinal pigment epithelium was disappeared here.The Bruchs membrane was intact(arrow) PAS×400 Fig.3 Reactive phase of retinal pigment epithelium(phase Ⅰb).The retinal pigment epithelium(RPE)detached from the Bruchs membrane and the tumor cells located among them to form a“in press phenomenon”.The Bruchs membrane was intact(arrow) PAS×200

  图4 视网膜色素上皮反应期(Ⅰb期)。视网膜色素上皮与玻璃膜形成的夹层内的肿瘤细胞发生坏死(Nc)。玻璃膜完整(箭) PAS×400 图5 脉络膜浸润早期(Ⅱ期)。玻璃膜结构被破坏(箭),肿瘤细胞(RB)位于脉络膜毛细血管层(箭头)表面 PAS×400 图6 脉络膜浸润中期(Ⅲ期)。肿瘤细胞(RB)侵入脉络膜毛细血管层内(箭)并向中血管层(箭头)浸润 HE×200 图7 脉络膜浸润晚期(Ⅳ期)。肿瘤细胞向深层大范围浸润脉络膜(箭),巩膜可同时受累(箭头) HE×200 Fig.4 Reactive phase of retinal pigment epithelium(phase Ⅰb).The tumor cells that were located among retinal pigment epithelium and Bruchs membrane had necrosis (Nc).The bruchs membrane was intact(arrow) PAS×400 Fig.5 Early phase of choroidal invasion(phase Ⅱ).The structure of Bruchs membrane was destroyed(arrow).The tumor cells(RB)were localed at the surface of choroidal capillary layer(arrowhead) PAS ×400 Fig.6 Middle phase of choroidal invasion(phase Ⅲ).The tumor cells(RB)infiltrated into choroidal capillary(arrow)and middle blood vessel layers(arrowhead) HE×200 Fig.7 Late phase of choroidal invasion(phase Ⅳ).The tumor cells infiltrated deep into the choroid(arrow)and involvement of sclera(arrowhead) HE×200

  3 讨论



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