作者单位:天津医科大学总医院 眼科,天津 300052
【摘要】 目的 观察caspase-3抑制剂Z-DEVD-FMK对兔外伤性视神经损伤后的神经保护作用。方法 中国纯种大耳白兔104只,从中随机选取8只兔(16只眼)作为空白对照组(N组,不作任何处理),其余96只(192只眼)作为实验组,实验组再分为玻璃体腔注射组和眼周注射组,每组48只(96只眼)。玻璃体腔注射组中每只兔的右眼为caspase-3抑制剂注射组(A组),左眼为玻璃体腔DMSO液注射组(B组)。眼周注射组中每只兔的右眼为球周caspase-3抑制剂注射组(C组),左眼为球周DMSO液注射组(D组)。又根据给药后不同的观察时间将每组分为1 d组、4 d组、7 d组、10 d组、14 d组、21 d组六个亚组,每个亚组8只眼。应用液压冲击颅脑损伤仪(fluid percussion brain injury device,FPI)建立兔视神经损伤动物模型,分别于术后第1、第4、第7、第10、第14、第21天进行闪光视觉诱发电位(flash-visual evoked potential,F-VEP)、眼眶核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)检查,并应用TUNEL技术检测视网膜神经节细胞(retinal ganglion cell,RGC)的凋亡。数据采用SPSS12.0统计软件,行单因素以及析因方差分析。结果 ①F-VEP:在术后第7、第10、第14和第21天,A组和C组的主波潜伏期逐渐缩短,振幅逐渐升高,与B组和D组相比差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。A组和C组主波潜伏期在术后第4天虽然仍在延长,但与B组和D组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),A组伤后第21天的潜伏期和振幅分别为(65.46±6.97)ms和(6.75±2.75)mV,C组分别为(72.06±6.57)ms和(6.02±1.98)mV,两组比较差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。空白对照组潜伏期和振幅与其他各组的相应时间点比较,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。②MRI:A组和C组的视神经MRI可见,伤后第7天粗大的视神经开始消退,至第14、第21天水肿完全吸收,视神经形态结构基本上恢复正常;B组和D组在第14、第21天仍可见视神经周围信号增高,眶内结构紊乱。③TUNEL染色及RGCs凋亡率:C组和D组在伤后第1天TUNEL染色可见凋亡细胞,第4天明显增多,至第7天达高峰。A组和C组在伤后第4~第10天仅可见少量的凋亡细胞,在第4~第21天,与B组、D组比较,RGCs凋亡率明显减少。结论 Caspase-3抑制剂Z-DEVD-FMK能有效地抑制视神经损伤后神经节细胞的凋亡,在一定程度上促进视神经的修复。Caspase-3抑制剂Z-DEVD-FMK的玻璃体腔注射可能比球周注射作用更加持久。
【关键词】 caspase-3抑制剂;视神经损伤;凋亡;神经保护;闪光视觉诱发电位
The protective effect of caspase-3 inhibitor Z-DEVD-FMK on the injured optic nerve of rabbits
SHEN Zhansheng, YAN Hua, WANG Xing, et al.
Department of Ophthalmology, Tianjin Medical University General Hospital, Tianjin China, 300052
[Abstract] Objective To investigate the protective effect of caspase-3 inhibitor on the optic nerve in rabbits after optic nerve crush. Methods The experimental group was divided into a vitreous group and a peribulbar group with 48 rabbits in each group (96 eyes). The right eye of each rabbit in the vitreous group was injected with a caspase-3 inhibitor (group A) and the left eye of each rabbit in the vitreous group was injected with DMSO in the vitreous (group B). The right eye of each rabbit in the peribulbar group was peribulbarly injected with a caspase-3 inhibitor (group C) and the left eye of each rabbit in the peribulbar group was peribulbarly injected with DMSO (group D). The eyes were then divided into subgroups based on observation times after treatment: the 1-day group, 4-day group, 7-day group, 10-day group, 14-day group, and 21-day group, with each subgroup consisting of 4 rabbits (8 eyes), and a control group (group N, 16 eyes). The rabbit model of optic nerve injury was created by fluid percussion (Miriam’s fluid-percussion brain injury device, FPI). Flash-visual evoked potential (F-VEP) and nuclear magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) were used to check variations in optic nerve injury at 1, 4, 7, 10, 14 and 21 days after injury. TUNEL was used to detect the apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells SPSS12.0 software was used to perform single factor and factorial analysis of variance. Results Compared to the rabbits in the control group,the latency of F-VEP in the experimental group gradually decreased, and the amplitude of F-VEP gradually increased 7, 10, 14 and 21 days after injury, which was a statistically significant difference compared to the control group (P<0.05). The latency of F-VEP in the experimental group was still prolonged 4 days after injury, and was statistically significant compared to that of the control group (P<0.05). The latency and amplitude of the group A 21 days after injury were (65.46±6.97)ms and (6.75±2.75)mV, respectively, which was a statistically significant difference compared to the group C [latency and amplitude were (72.06±6.57)ms and (6.02±1.98)mV, respectively, P<0.05]. There were statistically significant differences in the latency and amplitude of the control group (group N) compared to the other groups at corresponding time points. The MRI of the optic nerve in the experimental group showed that the intumesced optic nerve was recovering by the 7th day after optic nerve crush. The edema around the injured optic nerve was completely absorbed between 14 and 21 days. And the morphological changes of the optic nerve gradually returned to normal in 14~21 days. The high signal around the injured optic nerve and the disordered structure of the fosse orbital could also be seen in the control group. The apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells (RGCs) could be observed one day after injury, increased by the 4th day, and reached a climax by the 7th day in the control group. Apoptosis of RGCs was detected with maniple at 4~10 days after injury in the experimental group and the rate of apoptosis in RGCs decreased significantly compared to the control group at 4~21 days. Conclusion The caspase-3 inhibitor Z-DEVD-FMK could effectively inhibit the apoptosis of RGCs after optic nerve injury, and to some extent, promote optic nerve repair. The effect of a vitreous injection of the caspase-3 inhibitor Z-DEVD-FMK lasts longer than the effect of a peribulbar injection.
[Key words] caspase-3 inhibitor; optic nerve injury; apoptosis; nerve protection; flash-visual evoked potential 外伤性视神经损伤是眼科常见病,亦是头颅外伤致永久性视力丧失的主要原因,常由于额颞部尤其是眉弓颞上方受外力后,暴力沿轴线传导至前颅窝底造成。损伤原因有颅底骨折、视神经管内出血压迫、硬膜下或蛛网膜下出血引起视神经鞘膜内出血,以及眼眶外伤引起的视神经撕脱视神经本身挫伤的破裂等。近年来的研究表明[1],视神经损伤后引起视功能损害的病理基础是视网膜神经节细胞(retinal ganglion cell,RGC)的凋亡。Caspase-3是凋亡过程中重要的蛋白酶[2],也是细胞凋亡蛋白酶级联反应的必经之路。本研究观察了caspase-3抑制剂Z-DEVD-FMK对兔外伤性视神经损伤后神经节细胞凋亡的抑制机制,并以此探讨caspase-3抑制剂在外伤性视神经损伤后的神经保护作用,为今后外伤性视神经损伤的药物治疗选择提供依据。
1 材料和方法
1.1 实验动物和分组 中国纯种成年大耳白兔104只(由天津医科大学动物实验科学部提供),雌雄不分,体重(2±0.2)kg。经检查,兔双眼屈光介质清,瞳孔等大、等圆,对光反应好,眼底无异常。随机选取8只兔(16只眼)作为空白对照组(N组),不做任何处理。其余96只兔(192只眼)作为实验组。实验组随机分为两组,玻璃体腔注射组和眼周注射组,每组48只兔(96只眼)。玻璃体腔注射组中每只兔的右眼为caspase-3抑制剂注射组(A组),左眼为玻璃体腔DMSO液注射组(B组)。眼周注射组中每只兔的右眼为球周caspase-3抑制剂注射组(C组),左眼为球周DMSO液注射组(D组)。又根据给药后不同的观察时间将每组分为1 d组、4 d组、7 d组、10 d组、14 d组、21 d组六个亚组,每个亚组8只眼。
1.2 实验试剂和设备 Caspase-3抑制剂Z-DEVD-FMK(美国Biovision公司),TUNEL试剂盒(北京中杉金桥生物技术有限公司)。多功能电生理诊断仪(美国,Nicolet),核磁共振扫描仪(美国,GE signa Horizon LX),液压冲击颅脑损伤仪(FPI)(美国,University of Virginia)。
1.3 动物损伤模型的建立 应用液压冲击颅脑损伤仪(FPI)建立兔视神经损伤模型 。用10%水合氯醛3.5 ml/kg麻醉动物,沿10∶00~2∶00弧形剪开双眼穹隆部结膜,然后沿巩膜外壁将自制的打击管经结膜切口伸入眼眶内约2 mm,与此同时将兔头部固定在FPI兔架上。根据打击锤不同的预定角度及其所产生的不同打击力量,玻璃体腔组和球周注射组均以20°的预定角度打击视神经,每只兔的双眼视神经打击力量和角度相同。打击后缝合结膜切口,用氧氟沙星滴眼液滴双眼预防感染。
1.4 药物注射 用磷酸缓冲液(PBS)配置2%二甲基亚砜(DMSO),将caspase-3抑制剂Z-DEVD-FMK溶于其中,自外伤后起30 min,常规消毒后根据分组不同用微量注射器向右眼玻璃体内或者球周注射Z-DEVD-FMK 2.5 μg/kg,左眼注射相同体积的2%DMSO。
1.5 闪光视觉诱发电位(flash-visual evoked potential,F-VEP)记录方法及刺激参数 参照国际临床视觉电生理标准,使用美国Nicolet多功能电生理诊断仪。用10%水合氯醛3.5 ml/kg麻醉动物。采用银针电极(阻抗<15 kΩ),引导电极由两耳连线中点插入枕外粗隆上方骨膜下,参考电极插入额部两眼连线中点骨膜下,接地电极置于右耳后皮下。采用LED眼罩闪烁刺激,刺激频率为1.6 Hz,通频带宽30~1000 Hz,波宽0.2 ms,分析时间为200 ms,叠加50次。每只眼连续测量至少3次,每次间隔10 min。检测一只眼时,另一只眼用不透光黑布完全遮盖。每只眼记录稳定波形3次。分别记录损伤后第1、第4、第7、第10、第14、第21天时兔双眼F-VEP的潜伏期和振幅。
1.4 视神经核磁共振(nuclear magnetic resonance imaging,MRI)检测 MRI扫描采用1.5 T核磁共振扫描仪(GE signa Horizon LX)。兔麻醉后固定于核磁扫描专用定位仪上,将7.5表面线圈置于兔头上方2~3 cm处用于发射和接受信号。定位像采集采用3pl-T2*FGRE序列,扫描参数为TR=7.7 ms,TE=1.9 ms,FA=60°,matrix=256×128,FOV=14×14 cm,层厚=3 mm。3D容积采集采用T2 FIESTA序列,扫描参数为TR=8.2 ms,TE=2 ms,FA=60°,matrix=256×224,FOV=14×14 cm,NEX=4次。采集的图像利用多平面重建技术,选择视神经全长显示最佳的层面进行观察。随机选取4只兔记录正常兔双眼视神经MRI图像。然后分别记录伤后第1、第4、第7、第10、第14天及第21天的视神经MRI图像。对A、B、C、D组图像之间以及它们与正常的兔视神经MRI图像做对比观察。
1.5 TUNEL技术标记视网膜调亡细胞
1.5.1 标本取材及切片制作 各组动物达到预定存活时间后,股动脉取血处死,取眼球于10 %中性甲醛固定后予常规脱水、浸蜡、包埋,将眼球沿纵向取视网膜切片,切片厚2.5 μm。
1.5.2 TUNEL法标记视网膜细胞调亡 采用TUNEL试剂盒,操作步骤严格按说明书进行。将切片常规脱蜡至水,用3%过氧化氢封闭内源性过氧化物酶。蛋白酶K消化后,在末端脱氧核苷酸转移酶(TdT)作用下把地高辛标记的脱氧尿苷酸连接到凋亡细胞DNA的3′-OH末端,再用生物素化地高辛抗体放大信号,DAB显色。用苏木素复染,脱水,透明,中性树胶封片,光镜下观察TUNEL阳性细胞数目,阳性细胞呈棕色或棕黄色颗粒。计数各组每光镜视野中凋亡的RGCs个数,再计数相应的RGCs个数,两者比值的百分率即为RGCs的凋亡率,连续取3个视野,求其平均值。
1.6 统计学方法 采用SPSS12.0软件软件,对各组损伤后不同时间点之间F-VEP潜伏期和振幅的变化差异以及各组不同时间点视网膜RGCs凋亡率采用单因素方差分析。对不同组别的F-VEP潜伏期和振幅以及视网膜RGCs凋亡率采用析因方差分析。
[1] [2] 下一页 |