作者:刘含军 作者单位:湖北仙桃市第一人民医院 眼科,湖北 仙桃 433000
【摘要】 目的 探讨超常规小梁—巩膜带切除术治疗青光眼的疗效和临床应用价值,并与常规小梁切除术的疗效进行比较。方法 选择110例(110眼)准备行小梁切除术的青光眼患者,分为A、B两组,A组(58例)行超常规小梁—巩膜带切除+虹膜周切术,B组(52例)行常规小梁切除+虹膜周切术。比较两组术后早期眼压控制和前房形成情况、术后远期滤过泡形成和眼压控制情况。采用?字2检验和t检验对所得数据进行统计学分析。结果 术后早期(1周)眼压控制(<21 mmHg)数和浅前房:A组分别为54眼(93.1%)和25眼(43.1%),B组分别为44眼(84.6%)和18眼(34.6%),经卡方检验,两组差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后早期,A组眼压为(11.20±2.13)mmHg,B组为(12.12±2.07)mmHg,经t检验差异无统计学意义(P>0.05)。术后远期(6~26个月)良好功能滤过泡和眼压控制数:A组分别为41眼(70.7%)和48眼(82.8%),B组分别是27眼(51.9%)和31眼(59.6%),经卡方检验,差异均有统计学意义(P<0.05)。术后远期,A组眼压为(12.21±1.98)mmHg,B组(13.79±3.27)mmHg,经t检验差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 超常规小梁—巩膜带切除+虹膜周切术较常规小梁切除+虹膜周切术远期眼压控制效果好,同时避免了使用抗细胞代谢药物或其他操作所带来的并发症,结果令人满意。
【关键词】 超常规小梁—巩膜带切除术;常规小梁切除术;青光眼;疗效比较
Comparison of a modified trabecular-sclerectomy and a normal trabeculectomy to treat glaucoma
LIU Hanjun.
Department of Ophthalmology, Xiantao First People’s Hospital, Xiantao China, 433000 [Abstract]Objective To evaluate the outcome of modified trabecular-sclerectomy and its clinical application. Methods Group A included 58 randomized glaucoma patients who agreed to undergo a modified trabecular-sclerectomy while group B included 52 patients who underwent a normal trabeculectomy. The anterior chamber formation, filtration bulb function and control of intraocular pressure (IOP) in the early stage and over the long term were compared. Results In group A, IOP was controlled in 54 cases (93.1%) during the early stage, and a shallow anterior chamber occurred in 25 cases (43.1%). While in group B, IOP was controlled in 44 cases (84.6%) and 18 cases (34.6%) had a shallow anterior chamber formation. There was no statistically significant difference between the two groups. The difference in IOP between the two groups during the early stage [group A, (11.20±2.13)mmHg; group B, (12.12±2.07)mmHg] was not statistically significant. Observation over long term found that 41 cases (70.7%) from group A established a functional filtration bulb and IOP was controlled in 48 cases (82.8%). However, only 27 eyes (51.9%) in group B obtained a functional bulb and IOP in 31 eyes (59.6%) had appropriately decreased. Statistical analysis found a significant difference between the two groups. There was also a significant difference between the two groups in the control of IOP over the long term [group A, (12.21±1.98)mmHg; group B, (13.79±3.27)mmHg]. Conclusion The results show that a modified trabecular-sclerectomy, in which anti-metabolism drugs and its side effects could be avoided, resulted in better long-term IOP control than traditional surgery.
[Key words]modified trabecular-sclerectomy; normal trabeculectomy; glaucoma; comparison
1 资料和方法
1.1 临床资料
选择2004年4月~2006年7月间,我院住院部110例(110眼)准备行小梁切除+虹膜周切术的青光眼患者,分为2组: A组为超常规小梁—巩膜带切除术组,58例,男20例,女38例,年龄为51~70岁,平均(60.5±7.8)岁,其中闭角型青光眼41例,开角型青光眼17例,术前平均眼压为(53.13±9.18)mmHg; B组为常规小梁切除术组,52例,男22例,女30例,年龄为47~65岁,平均(59.0±7.3)岁,其中闭角型青光眼33例,开角型青光眼19例,术前平均眼压为(51.40±10.21)mmHg。所有患者均为首次入院,既往均无内眼手术史,两组在性别、年龄、青光眼类型及术前眼压等方面均无统计学上的差异。所有病例均经术前谈话,签字同意手术,并经医院伦理委员会审批同意。
1.2 手术方法
1.2.1 超常规小梁—巩膜带切除术
按常规做以穹隆为基底的结膜瓣,在鼻上方做以角巩缘为基底的1/2巩膜厚矩形瓣达角膜缘,大小约6 mm×8 mm,最宽不超过10 mm,于巩膜凹床上切除约4 mm×5 mm大小的小梁—巩膜带,周边虹膜切除,以虹膜恢复器恢复虹膜,然后在巩膜瓣上方两角各缝1针,根据密闭情况,再在两侧缝1~2针,松紧适宜,球结膜间断缝合2针。
1.2.2 常规小梁切除术
在鼻上方制作以角巩缘为基底的1/2巩膜厚矩形巩膜瓣,约4 mm×6 mm,达角膜缘,于巩膜凹床上切除约1.5 mm×2 mm的小梁组织,其余操作同前。所有病例术毕时均于结膜下注射庆大霉素2万U+地塞米松2.5 mg,单眼加压包扎。所有手术均在显微镜下进行。
1.3 观察指标及判断标准
①眼压<21 mmHg为被控制。②滤过泡可分为良好功能滤过泡、低功能滤过泡及无滤过泡。③前房分级按Fiore等分法:0度为晶状体与角膜接触;Ⅰ度为全虹膜与角膜接触;Ⅱ度为周边虹膜与角膜接触;Ⅲ度为无虹膜与角膜接触。④术后早期定为术后1周,术后远期据随访时间定为6~26个月,平均18.6个月。
1.4 统计学方法
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