【摘要】 目的:探讨视盘形态分析在原发性开角型青光眼早期诊断中的作用。方法:选取72例视乳头杯盘比在0.5~0.8之间的受检者进行视力、裂隙灯、直接检眼镜检查、测眼压及24h眼压曲线、检影验光,并行房角镜、电脑视野和光学相干断层成像(optical coherence tomography,OCT)检查,并对上述检查结果进行分析。结果:视盘形态正常者仅有10例眼压在可疑范围,视野、OCT检查未见异常;而视盘形态异常者中眼压、视野及OCT异常者占较大比例。结论:视盘形态在原发性开角型青光眼早期诊断中是一敏感因素。
【关键词】 青光眼;开角型;视盘
Value of optic disc formation analysis in early diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma in basic hospital
Hong Wei, HuiBo Wang
Department of Ophthalmology, Xuanwu District TCM Hospital, Beijing 100050, China
AbstrtactAIM: To investigate the value of optic disc formation analysis in early diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma. METHODS: Seventytwo examinees whose cupdisc ratio were 0.50.8 underwent ophthalmic routine examinations, gonioscopy, perimetry and optical coherence tomography(OCT), and the results were analyzed.RESULTS: The intraocular pressure of only 10 examinees with normal optic disc formation fell on the “suspicious” range. All the examinees with normal optic disc formation got normal results in perimetry and OCT. A big proportion of examinees with abnormal optic disc formation got abnormal results in intraocular pressure measurement, perimetry and OCT.CONCLUSION: The optic disc formation is a sensitive factor in early diagnosis of primary open angle glaucoma.
KEYWORDS: glaucoma; open angle; optic disc
所有病例均进行常规眼部检查,包括视力、裂隙灯眼前节检查、直接检眼镜眼底检查、Schiotz眼压计测眼压及24h眼压曲线及检影验光,并进行房角镜检查,电脑视野检查和光学相干断层成像(optical coherence tomography,OCT)检查。眼压及24h眼压曲线判定标准:(1)正常:眼压≤21mmHg,且24h眼压波动≤5mmHg;(2)可疑:21mmHg<眼压<25mmHg,和/或5mmHg<24h眼压波动<8mmHg;(3)异常:眼压≥25mmHg,且24h眼压波动≥8mmHg。视野检查:采用重庆艾尔曦IVS201A自动电脑视野检查仪的T30程序测中心30°视野中73个静点,检测时对每例患者都进行了屈光矫正,对可能有上睑遮盖影响视野检查结果者,予胶布牵拉上睑。为排除因患者对检查不熟悉而产生结果不确切的影响,研究资料均采用第2次以上(含第2次)的视野检查结果。
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