局部给予0.25%马来酸噻吗洛尔凝胶治疗无视力损害的婴幼儿眼眶毛细血管瘤是安全且有效的,美国芝加哥市西北大学Feinberg医学院Christopher B. Chambers医学博士根据他参与的一项回顾性研究报告说。根据他的经验:“浅表和混合型病变均可考虑用这种疗法,但是深部病变必须考虑其他治疗选择。”
方法:在多个科室的综合临床评价后,6名患者给予口服心得安。按照0.5 mg/kg口服1周后,1mg/kg口服1周,之后2mg/kg口服4周。增强CT检查对治疗前后进行对比。
Oral Propranolol for Treatment of Infantile Orbital Capillary Hemangiomas
Purpose: To evaluate safety and efficacy of oral propranolol in infantile orbital capillary hemangiomas.
Methods: Six patients received oral propranolol 0.5 mg/kg for 1 week, 1mg/kg for 1 week, and 2 mg/kg for 4 weeks after comprehensive evaluation by a multidisciplinary team. Pre- and post-treatment contrast enhanced CT scan was performed with refraction at each visit.
Results: Reduction in volume of hemangiomas clinically and on imaging was noted in all eyes in 6 weeks, with reduction in astigmatism due to globe displacement. Mean reduction in volume and astigmatism was statistically significant (P< .01). There were no side effects of treatment.
Conclusion: Oral propranolol in a gradually escalating dose proved safe and effective for the treatment of orbital hemangiomas,which can cause amblyopia. |