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http://www.cnophol.com 2007-11-28 18:47:18 中华眼科在线

【摘要】    目的 探讨角膜地形图引导准分子激光个性化切削手术设计方案及其可靠性。方法 2004年1月至2005年6月应用MEL-70准分子激光及其配套角膜地形图引导个性化切削系统治疗复合近视散光性屈光不正30眼,手术均为准分子激光原位角膜磨镶术。9例17眼为初次手术,均有不对称或不规则角膜散光;11例13眼为二次手术,原角膜瓣制作良好,均有偏心切削或不均匀切削等情况。30眼最佳矫正视力平均1.08±0.21;屈光度:球镜平均(-4.40±1.49)D,柱镜平均(-1.26±0.64)D;无明显非角膜性散光。术后3~5 d评价疗效。结果 30眼手术均顺利,无术中及术后早期并发症。术后3~5 d平均裸眼视力1.02±0.26,平均最佳矫正视力1.23±0.27;主观验光屈光度:球镜平均(0.41±0.50)D (-0.5~1.5D),均不接受柱镜;角膜地形图中央3 mm散光平均(0.28±0.21)D (0~0.75)D。结论 MEL-70角膜地形图引导准分子激光个性化切削系统成熟可靠,正确设计可较好地矫治伴有复杂角膜屈光情况的屈光不正。

【关键词】  角膜地形图;准分子激光;个性化切削;设计

   Surgical design of topography supported customized ablation for laser in situ keratomileusis

    CUI Chuanbo, WANG Qinmei, ZHAO Qingliang, et al.

    * Shandong Lunan Eye Hospital, Linyi China, 276002

    [Abstract] Objective  To evaluate the design and reliability of topography supported customized ablation for LASIK. Methods  Using MEL-70 eximer laser and the matched system of topography supported customized ablation to treat refractive error of compound myopi and astigma in 30 eyes. 9 patients (17 eyes) that all manifest refraction error of astigma were first to accept operation, 11 patients (13 eyes) were second to accept treatment. All of them the flap were well, but all manifest eccentric or asymmetry ablation. The average best corrected vision was 1.08±0.21, the effect was evaluated 3~5 days after treatment. Results The operations of 30 eyes were all successful and had not early complications in operation or post operation. The average uncorrected vision was 1.02±0.26, and the average best corrected vision was 1.23±0.27 3~5 days after operation. The subjective refraction was spherical (0.41±0.50)D (-0.5~1.5D), and all did not accept cylindrical correction. Corneal topography manifested (0.28±0.21)D (0~0.75D) astigmatism in the center of 3mm. Conclusion MEL-70 eximer laser and the matched system of topography-guided customized ablation were successful and reliable, exact design can successfully correct the complicated corneal refraction error.

    [Key words]  corneal topography; eximer laser; customized ablation; design

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