RESULTS. The average visual field mean deviation (MD ± SD) in patients with glaucoma was -3.9 ± 2.2 dB, and the average pattern standard deviation (PSD) was 4.7 ± 3.4 dB. In normal subjects the average MD was 0.1 ± 0.9 dB and the average PSD was 1.5 ± 0.3 dB. Optimal sensitivities, specificities, and areas under ROC curves were, respectively: ONHP (0.94, 0.87, 0.93), CSLO (0.84, 0.90, 0.92), SLP (0.89, 0.87, 0.94), and OCT (0.82, 0.84, 0.88). Best agreement on categorization () was between ONHPs and CSLO (0.70). The ROC area for the combination of methods was 0.99, higher than for any method alone. The ROC area for the combination of methods was significantly better than the CLSO rim area (P = 0.012) and the OCT retinal nerve fiber layer (RNFL) thickness (P = 0.002).
结果:青光眼患者的视野平均变化是-3.9 ± 2.2 dB,平均形觉标准差是4.7 ± 3.4 dB,而正常人的对应值分别是0.1 ± 0.9 dB和1.5 ± 0.3 dB。各种检查方法的最佳敏感性、特异性和ROC面积分别是:ONHP (0.94, 0.87, 0.93), CSLO (0.84, 0.90, 0.92), SLP(0.89, 0.87, 0.94)和OCT (0.82, 0.84, 0.88)。分类最佳一致性是ONHPs和CSLO(0.70)。两种方法联合的诊断曲线的ROC面积是0.99,比其他任何单独的方法好。联合方法的诊断曲线的ROC值明显比CLSO的盘沿面积(P=0.012)和OCT的视网膜神经纤维层厚度(P=0.002)都好。
CONCLUSIONS. The quantitative methods CSLO, SLP, and OCT were no better than qualitative assessment of disc ONHPs by experienced observers at distinguishing normal eyes from those with early to moderate glaucoma. A combination of the imaging methods significantly improves this capability.
结论:就区分正常人与轻度到中度青光眼患者而言,定量视神经成像技术的方法例如CSLO、SLP和OCT并不比有经验的观察者定性分析视乳头形态更好。但是联合应用这些方法可以显著提高准确判断的能力。(Investigative Ophthalmology and Visual Science. 2002;43:140-145.) 上一页 [1] [2] |