目的 探讨中国近视患者卧位时发生的相对于坐位时的眼球旋转和瞳孔中心移位。
方法 选择2006年1月至5月在我院接受双眼CustomVueTM个体化LASIK手术的近视患者,共86例172眼,术前应用Wavesan像差测量仪在坐位进行虹膜识别,术中应用VISX Star S4 IR进行卧位时虹膜定位,记录眼球旋转及瞳孔中心移位。
结果 虹膜定位成功率为85.5%(147/172),其中63例患者双眼均成功定位,其眼球旋转包括:(1)外旋(右眼逆时针旋转左眼顺时针旋转):30例(47.6%);(2)内旋(右眼顺时针旋转左眼逆时针旋转):2例(3.2%);(3)双眼逆时针旋转:22例(34.9%);(4)双眼顺时针旋转:9例(14.3%)。在定位的147只眼中,旋转≤1º者38眼(25.9%); 1.1º~2.0º者29眼(19.7%);2.1º~3.0º者22眼(15.0%);3.1º~4.0º者21眼(14.3%);4.1º~5.0º者17眼(11.6%);5.1º~6.0º者13眼(8.8%);大于7.1º者7眼(4.8%)。平均旋转度数:2.6±1.9º(范围0.1º至8.6º)。瞳孔中心移位平均为0.348±0.144mm(0.064~0.539mm), X周移位为0.27±0.16mm(0~0.50mm), Y轴移位为0.17±0.12mm(0~0.48mm)。
结论 从坐位改变到卧位会发生眼球旋转和瞳孔中心移位。CustomVueTM系统能够有效进行虹膜定位,检测眼球旋转和瞳孔中心移位。
Eye cyclotorsion and pupil centroid shift of Chinese myopic patients when going from the upright to the supine position
LI Haiyan, SUN Tong, YU Ke-ming, TAN Yong. Shanghai Aier Eye Hospital, Shanghai 200336, China
【Abstract】 Objective To investigate the eye cyclotorsion and pupil centroid shift of Chinese mypic patients when going from the upright to the supine position. Methods 172 eyes of 86 consecutive myopic patients who had bilateral CustomVueTM LASIK between January 2006 and May 2006 were involved in the study. Wavefront measurement and iris registration were performed in the upright position with Wavescan aberrometer, then another iris registration was performed in the supine position during the operation with VISX Star S4 IR. Results 147 of 172 eyes (85.5%) were registrated successfully and 63 patients were registrated bilaterally. The rotations were divided into four categories: (1) Excyclotorsion: counterclockwise rotation in the right eye and clockwise in the left eye, 30 patients (47.6%). (2) Incyclotorsion: clockwise rotation in the right eye and counterclockwise in the left eye, 2 patients (3.2%). (3) Counterclockwise rotation in both eyes: 22 patients (34.9%). (4) Clockwise rotation in both eyes: 9 patients (14.3%). Among the147 eyes registrated, 38 eyes (25.9%) had a rotation ≤1º, 29 eyes (19.7%) of 1.1º~2.0º, 22 eyes (15.0%) of 2.1º~3.0º, 21 eyes (14.3%) of 3.1º~4.0º, 17 eyes (11.6%) of 4.1º~5.0º, 13 eyes (8.8%) of 5.1º~6.0º, 7 eyes (4.8%) above 7.1º. The mean rotation was 2.6±1.9º, ranging from 0.1º to 8.6º. The mean pupil centroid shift was 0.348±0.144mm (0.064~0.539mm), with 0.27±0.16mm (0~0.50mm) in the X axis and 0.17±0.12mm (0~0.48mm) in the Y axis. Conclusions Eyes would have a cyclotorsion and pupil centroid shift when going from the upright to the supine position. CustomVueTM with iris registration may be a useful tool for detecting the eye cyclotorsion and pupil centroid shift. 【Key words 】 Iris registration; Eye cyclotorsion; Pupil centroid shift
1. 研究对象:选择2006年1月至5月在我院进行双眼CustomVueTM个体化LASIK或LASEK手术的近视患者,共86例172眼。其中男35例(40.7%),女51例(59.3%),年龄18~56岁,平均年龄:29.6±6.8岁。术前等效球镜度数为:-5.70±1.80D(-10.875D~-1.62D)。
2. 研究方法:所有患者术前应用NIDEK RT-2100综合验光仪进行主觉验光,然后应用Wavescan波前像差测量仪进行坐位时虹膜识别和波前像差测量。应用VISX Star S4进行准分子激光屈光性角膜手术,手术方式包括:微角膜刀制作角膜瓣的LASIK手术57例114眼,IntraLaseTM飞秒激光制作角膜瓣的LASIK手术27例54眼,LASEK手术2例4眼。术中进行卧位时虹膜定位,记录眼球旋转及瞳孔中心移位。
3. 统计学处理:所有资料均应用SPSS11.0软件进行相关统计学处理。
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