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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-10-29 16:14:34 中华眼科在线

  摘要 目的 研究牛磺酸是否能抑制STZ-诱发的糖尿病性白内障方法将30只Wistar大鼠平均分为3组,定期用裂隙灯照相显微镜和微量快速血糖仪检测各组动物,实验结束(12周)用TUNEL法检测各组晶状体上皮细胞凋亡。结果 STZ组产生了持续和长时间的高血糖,8~12周有80%晶状体发生白内障,几乎所有细胞呈现凋亡。相反,4%牛磺酸组则迅速阻断了高血糖形成,如同对照组一样,晶状体一直保持透明,仅有极少细胞凋亡。结论 4%牛磺酸能完全抑制糖性白内障发生,其主要作用可能与其抗氧化功能和抑制高血糖有关。

A study on taurine prevention of cataracts in moderately streptozotocin-diabetic rats

Chen Cuizhen Dong Bing Song Xudong

  (Beijing Institute of Ophthalmology,Beijing100005)

  Abstract ObjectiveTo evaluate whether the taurine can attenuate cataract development in streptozotocin (STZ)-induced diabetic rats.MethodsThe experiments were performed on male Wistar rats,body weight 180~200g,devided into the following groups:group one for control(10 rats),each rat receiving 50mmol/L citrate buffer,pH4.5;group two(10 rats),treated with STZ,following a 12-h fast,each rat received a single intraperitoneal(i.p.) injection STZ at a dose of 45mg/kg body weight in 50mmol/L citrate buffer,pH 4.5 and received a saline injection once daily for 12 weeks (i.p.5ml/kg body weight);group three (10 rats)was treated with STZ (same as group two)and received 4% taurine injection once daily for 12 weeks (i.p.5ml/kg body weight).Each rat was checked for cataracts once a week using a slit-lamp microscope until 12 weeks after STZ administration,at 4,30,60 and 90d,tail blood was collected for glucose determination.Furthermore,the lens epithelial cell apoptosis from the rats of three groups were analyzed by the in situ TUNEL kit assay at the end of 12 weeks.Results(1)Control group didn′t show high blood sugar levels;STZ plus saline group produces a sustained and prolonged hyperglycemia in the rats;STZ plus 40% taurine group rapidly reduced a hyperglycemia to near normal value(P>0.05).(2)Control group and STZ plus taurine group:their lenses were completely transparent,throughout entire a period of experiment;but STZ plus saline group:by week 4,40% of rats exhibited vacuolar stage,by week 8 and 12,80% of the rats showed cataracts.(3)There were very few lens epithelial cells apoptosis with taurine treated,which were similar to the control rats.In contrast,almost all of the lens epithelial cell become apoptotic cell in STZ-diabetic rats.ConclusionTaurine is an antioxidant,4% taurine can completely suppresses the cataract formation in STZ-diabetic rats.Its main effect may be related to its antioxidative function and the inhibition of hyperglycemia.

  Key words taurine diabetic cataract lens epithelial cell


   1 材料 与方法

    1.1 材料


  主要试剂:牛磺酸和STZ均为美国Sigma公司产品;TUNEL检测试剂盒为德国Boehringer Manaheim公司产品,其余为国产分析纯试剂。

  主要仪器:带照相的裂隙灯显微镜Topcon SL-6 E型;生物显微镜Olympus BH-2型;微量快速血糖仪器ONE TOUCHⅡ型。

  1.2 方法

  1.2.1 动物分组:将30只健康、体重为180~200g的Wistar雄性大鼠,随机均分为3组,即正常组、STZ组和牛磺酸组。

  1.2.2 动物模型:将STZ组和牛磺酸组的大鼠(各10只)禁食12h,腹腔注射2%STZ溶液(用0.05mmol/L pH4.5的柠檬酸缓冲液配置),剂量为45mg/Kg体重[6]诱发4天,在大鼠尾静脉采血测血糖浓度(用ONE TOUCHⅡ血糖仪)。凡在11mmol/L以下的不能视为糖尿病的大鼠需排除[7]。正常组的大鼠予以腹腔注射0.05mmol/L,pH4.5的柠檬酸缓冲液。

  1.2.3 牛磺酸组投药量:给大鼠每日腹腔注射1次4%牛磺酸,每次5ml/Kg体重,从STZ诱发前3天始,持续至实验结束。给STZ组大鼠每日腹腔注射1次生理盐水(5ml/Kg体重)。正常组的大鼠不作任何处理。

  1.2.4 TUNEL检测细胞凋亡:将各组动物晶状体(诱发后12周),按常规取出,立即分别用10%福尔马林液固定,制备石蜡切片(0.4mm厚),再按德国Boehringer Manaheim试剂盒操作步骤进行。然后用Olympus BH-2型显微镜统计凋亡细胞数(每个标本任取5个视野计数),计算凋亡细胞的百分比。样本中的凋亡细胞着染黄色,而正常细胞为蓝色。

  1.2.5 晶状体混浊度检查:自STZ诱发后,每周用带照相机的裂隙灯显微镜检查1次,并参照Kador等[8]的分级标准,略有修改,记录晶状体混浊度。以-”示无混浊,晶状体透明;以“+”示白内障发生(赤道部空泡、皮质混浊和过熟)。


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(来源:眼科研究 2000年第1期第18卷)(责编:duzhanhui)

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