中华眼科杂志 1998年第6期第0卷 论著
作者:李飒英 蔡葵 孙楠 王占立 夏群
单位:100730 北京医院放射科核磁共振室[李飒英、蔡葵、孙楠(进修生)、王占立],眼科(夏群)
【摘要】 目的 评价高场磁共振(MRI)对脉络膜黑色素瘤的诊断价值。方法 采用GE 1.5T磁共振扫描仪,对12例黑色素瘤患者进行矢、冠、轴及斜位扫描, 同时行脂肪抑制技术、增强扫描及病理检查。结果 12例黑色素瘤在T1WI均表现为不同程度的高信号,在T2WI上为低信号。其主要原因为黑色素瘤中的黑色素为顺磁性物质,可同时缩短T1和T2弛豫时间,以此可以同脉络膜其他病变相鉴别。12例中有7例合并视网膜脱离。结论 磁共振可在矢、冠、轴及斜位以小视野对眼眶进行扫描,并为临床治疗及手术准确定位;脉络膜黑色素瘤具有特殊的MRI表现,可与脉络膜其他疾病鉴别。
The diagnostic value of high field MRI for choroidal melanoma Li Saying, Cai Kui, Sun Nan, et al. Radiology Department, Beijing Hospital, Beijing 100730
【Abstract】 Objective To clarify the characteristic magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) features of choroidal melanomas by the high field MRI to improve the accuracy of diagnosis and localization and to differentiate choroidal melanomas from other choroidal lesions.Methods 12 patients with choroidal melanomas were examined by GE 1.5T magnet and heat coil, fat suppression technique and GD-DPTA as contrast agent were also used. Ten patients underwent operations and the histopathologic diagnosis was confirmed.Results The melanomas of the 12 patients had relatively high signals on T1 weighted image and relatively low signals on T2 weighted image. This is because of the paramagnetic properties of melanin. The melanomas with melanin can produce stable free radicals, both T1 and T2 relaxation times are shortened, with this we can differentiate melanomas from other choroidal lesions.Conclusion Sagittal, coronal, axial and oblique scanning with small feild of view for the orbit by MRI can be made to show the exact position of melanomas and differentiate them from other choroidal lesions.
【Keywords】 Choroid neoplasms Magnetic resonance imaging
2.仪器与方法:(1)仪器:MR机为美国通用电器公司生产的1.5T Singe超导扫描仪。(2)扫描参数:T1权重像(T1 weighted image, T1WI),自旋回波(spin echo,SE),回波时间/重复时间(echo time/repetition time, TE/TR)为27/500 ms;T2权重像(T2 weighted image, T2WI),快速自旋回波(fast spin echo, FSE),TE/TR 80~110/2 000~3 000 ms, 质子密度(proton density, PD),TE/TR=17/2 000~3 000 ms, 回波链长(length of echo train, ETL)为8。层厚/层距=3/0 mm,矩阵(matrix) 256×192,视野(field of view,FOV)16~20 cm,激发次数(number of excitation,NEX)为2。(3)常规扫描序列:T1WI,PD/T2WI,T1加脂肪抑制,T1增强扫描加脂肪抑制,正交头线圈,分别行冠状、轴位及与视神经平行的斜位扫描。(4)造影剂:磁显葡胺,剂量为0.1mmol/kg。由于眼眶内尤其是眼球后脂肪较多,脂肪与球内的水形成界面时可以产生化学位移伪影[2],干扰图像造成假象,所以使用脂肪抑制技术可改善、消除化学位移伪影。此外在行眼球扫描时眼球及眼睑的运动也可产生运动伪影,因此在扫描之前训练患者使其与之相配合,在扫描中眼球注视一点不动,同时也可以用快速扫描, 例如FSE序列。
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