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http://www.cnophol.com 2008-11-19 13:28:23 中华眼科在线

中国中医眼科杂志 2000年第1期第10卷 临床研究

作者:李志英 余杨桂 张淳 王燕 王小川

单位:广州中医药大学第一附属医院眼科广州 510405


  摘 要 目的 探讨糖尿病中医证型与糖尿病视网膜病变分期之间的关系。方法 185例(283只眼)糖尿病患者包括未发生糖尿病视网膜病变者90只眼和发生糖尿病视网膜病变者193只眼。按照中医辨证分型其中气阴两虚型200只眼,阴阳两虚型37只眼,血瘀气滞型46只眼。根据糖尿病视网膜病变的分期,193只视网膜病变眼中有单纯型糖尿病视网膜病变50只眼,增殖前期64只眼,增殖期79只眼。分别与病程、发病率、视力及中医证型进行了分析。结果 在发生糖尿病视网膜病变的患者中病程5年以下者多为气阴两虚证;病程5~10年者多为血瘀气滞证;病程10年以上者多为阴阳两虚证。血瘀气滞组、气阴两虚组与阴阳两虚组在糖尿病患者中构成比之间差异均有非常显著性(P<0.01)。糖尿病视网膜病变分期与中医证型的构成比差异有非常显著性(P<0.01)。结论 糖尿病患者中阴阳两虚证和血瘀气滞证者发生视网膜病变明显高于气阴两虚证,并与病程有一定关系。单纯期和增殖前期病变中多为气阴两虚证;增殖期则多为血瘀气滞证和阴阳两虚证。血瘀气滞证糖尿病视网膜病变患者的视力损害较为严重。

Study on relationship between traditional Chinese medicine syndrome types of diabetes mellitus and stages of diabetic retinopathy

Li Zhiying Yu Yanggui Zhang Chun

  Department Ophthalmology, the First Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou Traditional Chinese Medicine University , Guangzhou 510405,China

  Abstract OBJECTIVE To investigate a relationship between traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) syndrome types of diabetes mellitus ( DM ) and stages of diabetic retinopathy ( DR ).METHODS One hundred and eighty five patients (283 eyes) with DM were observed, including 90 eyes without DR and 193 eyes with DR. The patients were classified as 200 eyes of qiyinliangxu (气阴两虚), 37 eyes of yinyangliangxu (阴阳两虚), and 46 eyes xeyuqizhi (血瘀气滞) according to TCM syndrome types. There were 50 eyes with background stage, 64 eyes with pre-proliferative stage, and 79 eyes with proliferative stage in 193 eyes with DR based on stages of DR. Course of disease, ratio of DR stage, visual acuity and TCM syndrome types were analyzed.RESULTS In patients whose course of DR were no more than 5 years qiyinliangxu types comprised most part of patients, xeyuqizhi types comprised most part of patients with 5 to 10 years of DR. Over 10 years there were more yinyangliangxu types. Ratio of DR in DM of xieyuqizhi types, qiyinliangxu types of DR and yinyangliangxu types had a significant difference between them (P<0.01 ). The ratio of stages of DR and TCM syndrome types had a significant difference (P<0.01) in the patients.CONCLUSION Incidence of retinopathy is higher obviously in the patients with diabetes mellitus as yinyangliangxu and xeyuqizhi than qiyinliangxu, and it is relevant with the courses of disease. There were more qiyinliangxu in the patients with background and pre-prolifrative retinopathy, but more xeyuqizhi and yinyangliangxu in the proliferative retionpathy. Loss of visual acuity is more severe in the patients with diabetic retinopathy as xeyuqizhi type.

  To investigate a relationship between traditional Chinese medicine ( TCM ) syndrome types of diabetes mellitus ( DM ) and stages of diabetic retinopathy ( DR ).METHODS One hundred and eighty five patients (283 eyes) with DM were observed, including 90 eyes without DR and 193 eyes with DR. The patients were classified as 200 eyes of qiyinliangxu (气阴两虚), 37 eyes of yinyangliangxu (阴阳两虚), and 46 eyes xeyuqizhi (血瘀气滞) according to TCM syndrome types. There were 50 eyes with background stage, 64 eyes with pre-proliferative stage, and 79 eyes with proliferative stage in 193 eyes with DR based on stages of DR. Course of disease, ratio of DR stage, visual acuity and TCM syndrome types were analyzed.RESULTS In patients whose course of DR were no more than 5 years qiyinliangxu types comprised most part of patients, xeyuqizhi types comprised most part of patients with 5 to 10 years of DR. Over 10 years there were more yinyangliangxu types. Ratio of DR in DM of xieyuqizhi types, qiyinliangxu types of DR and yinyangliangxu types had a significant difference between them (P<0.01 ). The ratio of stages of DR and TCM syndrome types had a significant difference (P<0.01) in the patients.CONCLUSION Incidence of retinopathy is higher obviously in the patients with diabetes mellitus as yinyangliangxu and xeyuqizhi than qiyinliangxu, and it is relevant with the courses of disease. There were more qiyinliangxu in the patients with background and pre-prolifrative retinopathy, but more xeyuqizhi and yinyangliangxu in the proliferative retionpathy. Loss of visual acuity is more severe in the patients with diabetic retinopathy as xeyuqizhi type.

  Key words diabetes mellitus  retinopathy  traditional Chinese medicine syndrome types

  糖尿病视网膜病变(diabetic retinopathy,DR)是糖尿病(diabetes mellitus,DM)的严重并发症之一,随着DM患者的寿命延长,DR的发病率逐步增加,已成为主要致盲疾病〔1〕。近年国内外对DR的解剖生理、组织病理、临床经过及转归,中医病机及证型的研究已逐步深入,视网膜激光凝固,玻璃体切割和中医、中西医结合治疗都取得了一定疗效〔2~4〕。但是,由于DR的发病机理尚未完全阐明,治疗上未取得突破性进展,特别对视网膜微血管病变不断恶化的遏止无能为力。我们通过对DM中医证型与DR发病规律的研究,进一步阐明DR的证候规律,为中医、中西医结合有效防治DR提供客观依据。

  1 资料与方法

  1.1 一般资料


  1.2 诊断标准











  1.3 方法


  1.3.1 分组


  1.3.2 眼科常规检查:包括视力、裂隙灯眼前段及眼底检查。

  1.3.3 荧光素眼底血管造影:由二名研究者共同观察确认,按观察指标记录。

  1.4 统计方法



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