【关键词】 前房深度;相对定量测量法
The study of six points relative quantitative measurement of anterior chamber depth with slit lamp
HaiYing Wei, ZhongJiang He, Huan Wang
1Department of Ophthalmology, the Affiliated Hospital of Harbin Medical University, Harbin 150001, Heilongjiang Province, China; 2Department of Ophthalmology, General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300052, China
Correspondence to: ZhongJiang He. Department of Ophthalmology, General Hospital of Tianjin Medical University, Tianjin 300052, China. [email protected]
AbstractAIM: To discover a relative quantitative measurement of the anterior chamber depth with slit lamp and to explore the normal reference values of old mans anterior chamber depth.METHODS: The light source of slit lamp was turned outward 45 degrees and the examined eye stared at the light. Anterior chamber depth of six points (ABCDEF) was measured at 6 oclock position. The corneal thickness at corneal limbus (CT value) was recorded as 1 CT. These six points were as follows: A: juncture of corneoscleral limbus; B: moving up 1 CT from A point; C: mouing up 1 CT from B point; D: the highest point of iris; E: the edge of pupil; F: anterior pole of lens. A total of 229 normal old men (119 cases) and women (110 cases) aged 50 to 75 years, 229 eyes were tested. Eleven times of repeatedmeasurements were carried out on 44 eyes of 22 cases by double blind test.RESULTS: The mean anterior chamber depths at ABCDEF six points were 0.38,0.58,0.89,2.10,2.65 and 3.26CT respectively in old women group;and the mean anterior chamber depths at six points were 0.71,1.02,1.43,2.37,2.90 and 3.41CT respectively in old men group. The mean anterior chamber depths at all six points in old women group were shallower compared with old men group(P<0.05), especially at peripheral anterior chamber. The variance coefficient of each point was less than 10%. CONCLUSION: Results above show that the six points relative quantitative measurement of the anterior chamber depth by slit lamp has better practicability and repeatability. KEYWORDS: anterior chamber depth; relative quantitative measurement
1.2方法 将裂隙灯裂隙宽度调至2mm,呈外转45°角,在6点时钟位测量6个点的前房深度(ABCDEF)。A:角巩膜缘黑白交界处;B:自A点上移1CT;C:自B点上移1CT;D:虹膜最高点;E:瞳孔缘;F:晶状体前极处,即前房轴深。以角巩膜缘黑白交界处即A点处的角膜厚度(CT值)为1计,所有点均以此处的角膜厚度计,检查结果可用如下数值记录:0,1/5,1/4,1/3,1/2,2/3,1,3/2, 2, 5/2, 3…。用t检验,P<0.05为有显著性差异。
女性组ABCDEF点的前房深度均值分别为0.38,0.58,0.89,2.10,2.65和3.26CT;男性组分别为0.71,1.02,1.43,2.37,2.90,3.41CT。女性组每个点的深度均比男性浅(P<0.05),越近周边部越显著(表1)。采用双盲法对22例44眼进行11次测量,六个点的变异系数均小于10%,在上述6个点中,B点可重复性最好,余依次为F,C,D,E,A(表2)。表1 正常老年男女六点前房深度测量结果(略)表2 六个点前房深度测量变异系数(略)
国内外学者对正常人和青光眼患者的前房深度均先后进行过裂隙灯或超声波的测量研究[13],一般情况下,在6点时钟位从角膜缘至瞳孔中心测量6个点的前房深度,可以代表前房深度状态。用近似值为1mm的角膜缘处的角膜厚度(CT值)作为参照指标,已经被眼科医生接受。用ABC三个点的结果描述周边前房,用D,E,F 三个点的结果描述中央前房,均比传统上仅用1个点更全面。测量A点时,一定在角巩膜黑白交界处的最边点;遇到老年环和虹膜隐窝时可以参照邻近虹膜表面的延长线;测量D,E,F点时,尤其F点,容易误取中央角膜厚度为参照值,请牢记:永远用角膜缘的厚度为参照值。通过对22例44眼连续11次双盲法测量结果的统计分析表明本法可重复性好,变异系数均在0.01以内。从结果中可以看出我国老年女性组的前房比男性组浅,越靠周边部差异越显著。本结果与Chen等[4]的研究结果一致。 类似的六点相对定量测量法国内外尚未见报道,我们经过临床应用,体会到它对青光眼的诊断、鉴别诊断、以及筛选浅前房高危人群,特别是对病历资料的随访及数量化记录等均有实用价值。
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